Is it undetected?
The asnwer right now is YES!
Then you will ask me:
Will it be detected on the future?
The aswer is yes too. If warden upgrades, or people leach it. A copy of it can fell in the hands of Battle Net, than the offsets will be banned.
Well, enough talking. If someone thinks that its detected, feel free to post it here. I used it and test it with Linuz for more than 1 month and nothing happened .
Divided in 3 Big Maphacks with chat system integrated:
1. LZ Engine Try OUT for public!
* showunitsingame
* remove fog
* Chat system
2. LZ Engine TRY OUT PLUS:
For active people on 1st-hacks.com! Ask me to get it if you think you are active (Xexiu) on 1st HACKS - Hacks Bots Tools Cheats
* showunitsingame
* clickableunits
* removefogingame
* showunitsmap
* removefogonmap
* dota
* Chat System
Contact me on msn: eminemsermk@hotmail.com or visit me on 1st HACKS - Hacks Bots Tools Cheats to get a copy of LZ ENGINE Try OUT.
3. LZ Engine FULL Version:
- The FULL Version isnt for public neither for users with LZ Engine Tryout. You must be very active and contribute on 1st HACKS - Hacks Bots Tools Cheats with nice topics and discussions. Show us that you won't leak it and be a loyal member.
- Can be purchased to payment too, as requesting a VIP Package on 1st HACKS - Hacks Bots Tools Cheats
* showunitsingame
* clickableunits
* reveal illusions and invisibles (no more bladmaster illusions and no more undead shadows invisible)
* removefogingame
* viewableitems (you can see inventory of your enemy hero)
* showunitsmap
* removefogonmap
* seeinvisible (night elf archers on night)
* viewskills
* viewcooldowns
* seeresources
* seeresources
More options to come, like:
- Helo line walk (walk hero in line)
- Auto peons at start (3 peons will go to gold mine and 2 will go to wood, can be configured).
- Anti-maphack (you will see when your opponent will click your units. That means that he uses maphack too).
- Tie-hack (working on it)
- Time-hack (working on it).