Dota 2 Beta Keys Giveaways

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dota 2 Beta Keys Giveaways - DotA is very much anticipated by gamers worldwide. So are we, that's why we keep on posting news and updates about DotA 2. Right now we're about to give away free DotA 3 Beta Keys for our avid readers and subscribers.

For the meantime, while beta keys are not yet available, please subscribe to our RSS and be the first to get your free Dota 2 beta keys.

Dota 2 Beta Keys Download
- coming soon

Dota 2 Beta Keys Giveaways
- coming soon

keywords: beta keys, dota 2 beta keys, free dota 2 beta keys, beta keys giveaways
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DotA 2 Beta Keys Contest by GosuGamers

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Guys from GosuGamers is giving away free Dota 2 beta key. All you have to do is show your skills and everyone are invited to join.

Last hitting and denying are some of the fundamentals of DotA and what better way to prove your worth to a Dota 2 beta key by holding a Last hit and deny contest? There are three keys up for grabs this time around. Rules are as follows.

Rules and Regulations:
1. Single player mode only, make sure your game name is the same as your username on the site.
2. Game mode is -apomnp with Goblin Techies as the hero of choice.
3. No items, no leveling up of skills. In other words, your hero should be naked.
4. No singleplayer commands (-gold -lvlup -spawncreeps) for those trying to be smart.
5. Neutral Creeps do not count towards the final creep count.
6. Winners will be chosen on most creep kills and denies at 10 minutes
7. Contest runs from now until 25th September 2011 at 23.59 CET.
8. Map version: 6.72f
9. User registered before 21st September 2011

Submission Details:
1. You will need two files for this contest: a screenshot of your game at 10 minutes and the replay of your attempt. Only .jpg or .jpeg screenshots please.
2. Zip or rar both files and upload it to a file hosting website (preferably mediafire).
3. PM your links to either Brettis or Sylencia with your last hit/deny count.
4. Limited to two submissions per user.
5. Wait for the results.
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DotA 2 Beta Keys Contest

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dota 2 Beta Key Contest

The growth of DotA, into the massive community that it is today, is because of all the loyal fans who have, time and again, shown their dedication and support over the course of so many years. We are going to gradually start a series of contests to reward some of you with early access to the game. The first one is detailed below.

U-Photo Submission

In this contest, you are required to take a photograph of yourself holding a sign that reads "Dota 2" and your " Username" in any creative fashion (interesting, wild, weird, funny, strange, conceptual or any other adjective you see fit) you can.

The primary target is to ensure that your photo reflects your love for DotA and give us an idea what it means to you.

Rules and Regulations:

All images should be above 600x400 px in size. Images smaller than the mentioned size will not be considered.

You are allowed to submit only one entry. Multiple ID submissions will lead to a disqualification.

You are allowed edit your submission until 48 hours from the time of your submission. No edit is allowed after the deadline is hit.

Do not heavily edit your images digitally. You are allowed to do some basic fixes like contrast, brightness and etc but anything which has been manipulated far from original will be disqualified.

Contest Dates:

Begins: 12:00 AM GMT -8, September 21, 2011
Ends: 11:59 PM GMT -8, September 27, 2011

Note: Submissions after the deadline will not be considered under any condition.

Submission Thread:

PlaydotA U-Photo Submission Thread

12 Dota 2 Keys are up for grabs in this first contest. 6 winners will be chosen by the PlayDotA Staff and each winner will be rewarded with 2 beta keys that they can share with their friends.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on the planning.
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