DotA v6.69b LoD, Official Dota OMG Map Download

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Tuesday, November 30, 2010

For those who likes dota omg but don't know where to find non hacked version, here's where you can find the official map.

It is now renamed to Dota LoD. Since v2+ the skill picking system changed greatly, this is because v2+ ver is made by another author, Skino.

DotA v6.69b LoD
The original author of Dota OMG is Bob and the latest version he made is 1.04h.

Never played dota OMG?
  • Dota OMG is a dota mod which allow player to choose the skill combo for their heroes
  • One may think there are imba combos but please remember that dota is a 5v5 game
  • Pure stuns/nuke may suffer greatly in late game while pure late game may simply lose the game before they are fat

LoD DotA - is a modification map DotA (author IceFrog). The meaning remains the same - "to protect the ancestors," but some other means, or shall we say skill. You have to choose your heroes from the original DotA skills, skills associated with the original characters that you can easily find your skill.

  • In the map display system imported DPS
  • Command-aa-ha-fs tied to skill
  • In the imported map display system damage (SDD)
  • The card also imported the system level control (LC) (ul in Fashion)
  • Working aganimy
  • Daguerre and the hatchet attached to the skill (ala balance)
  • Added ability to idle in similar maps (Bob's version)

Abilities Draft:
  • To play with custom abilities draft, enter "-AP" mode when the map loads.

To pick your desired abilities:
  • Select Hero from any Tavern and click the Bonus icon above any spell to select it.

Random Draft:
  • To get random abilities, Enter "-AR" mode.
  • You will get any hero with random skillset. "-repick" command can be used once, if you dont like the skillset.

Note: You must install the latest Warcraft 3 patch (version 1.24b or newer) to play this map.

Download DOtA LoD
DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v6 English.w3x (7958.7 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 3
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 3
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v5 Eng beta 3.w3x (7701.2 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 2
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 2
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v5 Eng beta 2.w3x (7701.3 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 1
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v5 English Beta 1
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v5 Eng beta1.w3x (7701.2 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v5
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v5
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v5.w3x (7935.9 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v4 English
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v4 English
Download dota v6.69b lod v4 eng.w3x (7687.2 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v4
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v4
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v4.w3x (7934 KB)

DotA v6.69b LoD v3
10 players version DotA v6.69b LoD v3
Download DotA v6.69b LoD v3.w3x (7932 KB)
read more »»» DotA v6.69b LoD, Official Dota OMG Map Download

DotA 6.68c AI Map Download

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, November 29, 2010

DotA 6.68c AI Map - Good news to all DotA players! PleaseBugMeNot has already started working on DotA 6.68c ai map and looks like DotA 6.68c ai map is coming our way. PleaseBugMeNot posted some updates and screenshots of 6.68c ai map which shows the development status and features that we expect to come.

But some other blogs claim that they have the DOTA AI BETA but PBMN says it was stolen. read more

If you want to receive more updates on DotA 6.68c AI Map, then enter your email here.

You may subscribe to our RSS or follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK to get the latest updates and downloads of DotA 6.68c AI Map.

UPDATE: DotA 6.68c AI BETA was released by PleaseBugMeNot.

UPDATE: DotA 6.68c AI Rev2 BETA is now available for download.

Update: DotA 6.69c AI Beta is now ready for download. Get your copy now.

UPDATE: DotA 6.70c AI is now available.

PleaseBugMeNot statement

Today i just began working on 6.68c AI map version. All heroes are ported, Aghanim`s skills too... now porting the hero skills. The work is tedious as always...
read more »»» DotA 6.68c AI Map Download

Stolen DotA AI Beta , PleaseBugMeNot Demotivated

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

It is very sad to say, but lot of blogs were stealing some others work just like what happened to PleaseBugMeNot where his work on 6.68 AI BETA was stolen. This makes him demotivated and looks like he has no further plans on the development of DotA AI.

Stolen DotA AI Beta
Here's what PleaseBugMeNot has to say:

Hello, again. I stood up from bed today and what i see... my work on some shitty copy-paste blog. Wtf? Too bad the version they got is too old... it doesn`t even have the -alldagons mode. The bots are with broken item builds and i bet all 6.68c content isn`t even there. The reworked skills are the old ones. It`s a pity how shitty websites try to earn from others work. I hope everyone who supports me will add this website to his "banned" list. Such a behavior doesn`t help.. it`s demotivating and just PLAIN WRONG. Now i have to fight with myself to start working on the script again. If you didn`t know, editing 90 000 obfuscated lines needs fully determination and concentration and those nasty people doesn`t help maintaining my comfort level. Well, now i don`t care what i`ll release from now on. Working or not you`ll have the AI map... but i`ll rethink my future involvement with developing further updates. Good work dota-utilities. You better hire up an AI dev from now on.... that way u`ll have more interesting updates without blatantly STEALING things.

For us here in bL4cK_m0p, it's good to spread the AI maps to DotA community (since it's free) as long as we don't take the credits. Instead give the rightful credits and acknowledges to the original owners like PleaseBugMeNot.

What can you say about dota-utilities and dota-blog, did they do the right thing?
read more »»» Stolen DotA AI Beta , PleaseBugMeNot Demotivated

DotA AI Map +Fun, DotA v6.67b AI +Fun v2.4 Download Latest Version

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, November 25, 2010

DotA AI Map +Fun, DotA v6.67b AI +Fun v2.4 Download Latest Version - This DotA Fun Map contains lot of bug fixes like fixed -agi not working when Ricky uses his ultimate. Fixed -agi displaying wrong info when Precision is not learned. Added a note for Ricky's "special" attack. Made Eye of Skadi melee when picked by Ricky's 650-range form.

Let us wait for new AI maps while having fun with... -fun! - Overflow

DotA AI Map plus Fun
DotA AI Map +Fun versions and downloads
DotA AI Map +Fun v1.6, DotA AI Map +Fun v1.6b, DotA AI Map +Fun v1.6c, DotA AI Map +Fun v1.7, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.0, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.1, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.1b, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.1c, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.2, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.3, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.3b, DotA AI Map +Fun v2.4

DotA Fun Map Known issues
Hax can sometimes work without draining mana.

DotA Fun Map Heroes
Formless (H500) A500,A501,A502,A503
Bastion (H600) A550,A551,A552,A553 (A55T with Scepter)
Felguard (H700,H701,H702,H703) A9ZG,A9ZH,A9ZJ,A9ZU
Cloud (H704) A9H9,A9HE,A9HD,A9HF
Ricky (H705,H706,H707,H708) A9FE,A9FF,A9FH,A9FI
Frash (H709) A9LV,A9LX,A9LZ,A9M1
Offender (H710) A9E6,A9E9,A9EB,A9EF
Rawrzi (H711) A9D4,A9DH,A9DI,A9DJ (A9M8 with Scepter)
Puff (H712) A9GD,A9GJ,A9GU,A9H1
Puff (H713) A9GE,A9GK,A9GV,A9H3
Puff (H714) A9GF,A9GL,A9GW,A9H4
Puff (H715) A9GG,A9GM,A9GX,A9H6
Puff (H716) A9GH,A9GN,A9GY,A9H7
Puff (H717) A9GI,A9GO,A9GZ,A9H8
Conjurer (H718) A31Q,A31R (the golem boulder skill code is A31Y),A31S,A31T (A31U with Scepter)
Boomerwang (H719) A9KA (the 3 sub skills are A9KA,A9KB,A9KC),A9KD,A9KE,A9KW
Intimidator (H720) A9MT,A9MU,A9MV,A9MY
Rider (H721) A9KY,A9L0,A9L1,A9L2
Gambler (H722) A9EM,A9EN,A9EO,A9EP
Old N'aix (H723) A9DO,A9DP,A9DQ,A9DR
Old Medusa (H724) A9NW,A9O4,A9O5,A9O6 (A9O7 with Scepter)
Old Invoker (H725) Where should I start...
Avatar of Vengeance (H726) A9PU,A9PV (Reality is A9PX),A9PY,A9Q0 (Direct Vengeance is A9Q3)
God of Wind (H727) A9LB,A9LC,A9LE,A9LF
Inky (H728) A329(Mark Target),A32A,A32B,A32D,A32E
Old Silencer (H729) A9DS,A9DT,A30J,A30K
Old Morphling (H730) A9EU,A9HU,A9EV,A9EX
Old Stealth Assassin (H731) A9EY,A9HU,A9F0,A9F1
Hamsterlord (H732) A9JP,A9JR,A9JU,A9JZ (Grenade = A9K5)
Astral Trekker (H733) A9RC,A9RD,A9RE,A9RF
Void Demon (H734) A9JF,A9JH,A9JI,A9JJ

How to use DotA Fun Map
- Download DotA Fun Map
- Type -fun when the game starts
- Select any DotA Fun Map Heroes
- Type -flux while playing once in a while to check how many stats you've stacked

DotA Fun Map Changelogs
Fun v2.4: 24/11/10

* Fixed -agi not working when Ricky uses his ultimate.
* Fixed -agi displaying wrong info when Precision is not learned.
* Added a note for Ricky's "special" attack.
* Made Eye of Skadi melee when picked by Ricky's 650-range form.
* Increased the duration of the dummy unit that casts Puff's roars from 1 to 2 seconds (suicide bugs are annoying!)
* Edited Ragnarok's tooltip to clarify that it gives a cleaving attack, not a splash (it's really not the same).
* Added Hamsterlord.
* Added Void Demon.
* Added Astral Trekker.

DotA AI Map +Fun Download Links
DotA v6.67b AI Fun
DotA v6.67b AI Fun
DotA v6.67b AI Fun
DotA v6.67b AI Fun
DotA v6.67b AI Fun
See all available DotA AI Map
read more »»» DotA AI Map +Fun, DotA v6.67b AI +Fun v2.4 Download Latest Version

DotA 6.69c Map

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dota 6.69c download - Dota 6.69c was finally released. Dota 6.69c consists of minor bug fixes to make DotA 6.69c more stable than the previous build.

DotA 6.69c

UPDATE: DotA 6.70 was finally released.

Dota 6.69c Changelogs
I just uploaded 6.69c on

This is just a small bug fix patch. I am still actively working on 6.70, just wanted to get some bugs fixed for the current version.

Subscribe to our RSS and receive the latest map of DotA.

Download Dota 6.69c
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Latest Garena Master MapHack v83.03 - GarenaM4ST3R v83.03 MapHack

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, November 13, 2010

This is the latest version of Garena Master MapHack v83.03 - GarenaM4ST3R v83.03 MapHack for 1.26a that works with the latest garena updates (updated to new garena as of September 11, 2011).

It also supports older version of Warcraft patch

- 1.24e, 1.25a, 1.25b

I just want to remind you guys that cheating is not good, so please use this responsibly.

Garena Master Maphack

Version: 83.03 - [2011/09/11]
- GarenaMaster.NET Partially released!!
- Completly reworked the GarenaMaster.exe to C# instead of C++, now with multi language support!!
- Injector reworked and improved again!
- Added installer to GarenaMaster, that will install all dependencies if you don't have it yet (.NET Framework 4 and Visual C++ package)!
- PS: We are working to make GarenaMaster compatible with Garena Plus, soon we will have news about that!
- Added To Tray.
- Fixed many reported bugs, if you found any other bug, please report on forum!
- Emergency Fix

Garena Features:

Name Spoofer
Garena Auto Room Joiner
Removes 5 secounds restriction.
No "Full room dialog".
Show pings in number
Real ping in-game
Disable hacks protection
Mega Exp Hack (100/15min Gold, 50/15min Basic) or [ 300/15 | 150/15 with multi client! ]
Garena Multi Client
Leave room while playing.
'Super Admin' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
'Premium' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
'Platinum' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
'Channel Admin' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
'League Admin' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
'Gold Member' Style [It's just style, only you see!]
Admin Menu Hack (Only trace location work)
Hide ADS in Garena

Warcraft 3 Features (1.26a / 1.25b / 1.24e-d-c-b)

CAM Distance Hack
Delay Reducer
Reveal units on mainmap / minimap
Remove fog on mainmap / minimap
Enable trade / Resource View
Make units clickable / Gray HP on fog.
Reveal Illusions
Show Runes
Show Skills / Cooldowns
Bypass dota -ah
Show Ally Heroes icons
Show Enemy Heroes Icons
Show All Heroes Icons
Show Ping signal
Advanced Rune Notifier
Gem Notifier (Notify you when someone drop the gem!)
Cloack DLL System (Make the hack undetectable on
Automatic Drop Bnet (Will disconnect you automatically from bnet when the game start, one more security to avoid ban on
Host Hack [ Work only on Garena]

Dota Features BETA (1.24e only)

Auto Dodge for heros spells
Show enemy clicks
Show hero lines
Show cd in numbers
Auto dodge the spell with Eul's scepter and others skills
Camera Distance hack by scroll
Show CD of buffs in number
Gray HP under FOG

Counter Strike 1.6

Wall Hack
Aim bot
and more!

In-Game Commands:
Default hotkeys (you can change it at GM.EXE/War3/Set Hotkeys):
Alt + F1: Enable/Disable selected features on GM.EXE/War3 tab.
Alt + F2: Zoom In
Alt + F3: Zoom Out

What is Host Hack?

Host Hack is some useful commands that you can use in the player that you want if you are the host.

All that you need is send a private message to the user inside of the game [Press F12 to select the player to send] with the wanted command.

There is the commands list:

- Kick a player without waiting time:
.k or .kick

- Kick a player with waiting time:
.b or .block

- Lag the player (Configure the intensity in Garena Tab [DelayOn(ms)])
.xon or .delayon

- Remove lag from the player that you lagged
.xoff or .delayoff

Step by Step, Guide:
1. Download Garena Master Hack.
2. Extract the files to any folder.
3. Run GM.exe
4. If you play on jump to step 8
5. Check the "Auto Patch" and "Host Hack"
6. Click in Start Garena
7. If you want, customize the features in Garena tab and click in Patch
8. In GM.EXE select your war3 folder in "Select W3X Folder"
9. In GM.EXE select the wanted features in War3 Tab and click in Install (Only the first time, with war3 open)
10. Open the war3 and Enjoy!

Note: After you download the new version of GM, always delete all of the files from the old version before installing the new one.

There's also a step-by-step tutorial on how to use garenamaster. Download the complete GarenaM4St3R mapHack installation guide below.

Garena Master - GarenaM4ST3R MapHack download links
GarenaMaster - GarenaM4St3R MapHack Guide with pictures.

Installer mirror 1
read more »»» Latest Garena Master MapHack v83.03 - GarenaM4ST3R v83.03 MapHack

[New]Garena Fantasy

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, November 6, 2010

[New]Garena Fantasy

Experience Hack 100/15 gold member
50/15 basic member ...
Self join
Ping numbers
Admin role
Self join
Custon kick
Map Hack
mana bars
Meepo and bot

read more »»» [New]Garena Fantasy

GarenaDevil v6.0

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

GarenaDevil v6.0

1 - EXP hack (Basic-50/15min Gold-100/15min)
-- 3 Clients (Basic-150/15min Gold-300/15min)
2 - Auto room joiner.
3 - No 5 secs wait.
4 - Exact ping view.
5 - Room chat flooding.
6 - Warcraft III - WindowTools.
7 - MeepoBot.1024x768.
8 - MeepoBot.1280x1024.
9 - Manabars.
10 - MapHack.
11 - Server Test.
12 - DotaToolKit.
13 - No ads in rooms.
14 - Multi-Client open to gain more exp.
15 - Admin Functions.
16 - Name Spoofer
17 - Camera Hack
18 - Leave room while playing
19 - Do not detect MH
20 - No "Full Room Dialog" Error
21 - GarenaDevil Spam Bot



===Version: 6.0 - [3/11/2010]===
- Added GarenaDevil Spam Bot
- Fixed bugs
- New skin

===Version: 5.2 - [2/11/2010]===
- Fixed bugs
- New feature soon

===Version: 5.1 - [31/10/2010]===
- Fixed bugs

===Version: 5.0 - [21/10/2010]===
- Added new skin
- Added Name Spoofer
- Added Camera Hack

Get more Exp
1.Open 3 Clients
2.Change the Servers and Ports
Client 1
-- Server 1, Port = 1513
Client 2
-- Server 2, Port = 1514
Client 3
-- Server 3, Port = 1515
One Client
50Exp/15 mins for Basic Member
100Exp/15 mins for Gold Member

Two Clients
100Exp/15 mins for Basic Member
200Exp/15 mins for Gold Member

150Exp/15 mins for Basic Member
300Exp/15 mins for Gold Member

read more »»» GarenaDevil v6.0


Posted by bL4cK_m0p


- no fog
- clickable units
- reveals invisible units, illusions, runes and items
- shows enemy/ally skills and cooldowns
- shows enemy gold
- shows HP bar of all units
- bypass -ah

How to use:
- ALL files must be placed inside warcraft 3 folder.
- open bagsikmh.exe [warcraft 3 must NOT be running] for VISTA users, RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR
- enter password: kamoteako
- press 1 to ENABLE the maphack then hit ENTER
- wait for the message that it was ACTIVATED and press any key to exit the program.
- login to garena and start the game

Modo de empleo:
- TODOS los archivos debe ser colocado dentro de la carpeta de Warcraft 3.
- Abrir bagsikmh.exe [Warcraft 3 no debe estar en ejecución] para usuarios de Vista, CORRE COMO ADMINISTRADOR
- Introducir la contraseña: kamoteako
- Pulse 1 para habilitar la maphack luego presione ENTER
- Esperar a que el mensaje de que se ha activado y pulse cualquier tecla para salir del programa.
- Entrada a la Garena y comenzar el juego

- for warcraft 3 ver. 1.24E and garena only.
- NO NEED TO HACK/CRACK GARENA, use orginal clean garena files to avoid ban
- undetected as of today OCTOBER 13, 2010
- use at your own risk, always test with dummy account first if there is a new patch in garena.

- Para la versión de Warcraft 3. 1.24E y Garena solamente.
- NO HAY NECESIDAD DE HACK / CRACK Garena, el uso original de los archivos Garena limpia para evitar la prohibición
- No es necesario usar BYPASS y OCULTAR EL PROCESO
- Sin ser detectados a partir de hoy 13 de octubre 2010
- El uso a su propio riesgo, siempre prueba con la cuenta ficticia primero si hay un nuevo parche en Garena.

DOWNLOAD the official warcraft 3 1.24E standalone FULL patch here:
DOWNLOAD the official warcraft 3 1.24E UPGRADE 1.24D to 1.24E patch here:

For those who are confused:

BAGSiKMHv02.2 is for warcraft 3 version 1.24D DOWNLOAD:
password: kamoteako

BAGSiKMHv02.3 is for warcraft 3 version 1.24E DOWNLOAD:
password: kamoteako

Dream DotA v12 Cracked By: PHG-Exodia1337OwnZ

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dream Dota v12 Cracked
By: PHG-Exodia1337OwnZ

~ If Your AV Detects A Virus. It Is A False Alert.


* Auto last hit / deny hit.
* Auto avoiding spells.
* Micro & spell improvements.
* Unit model improvement.
* Damage / Healing display.
* Attack range display.

How To USE?

Just Hold Tilde "~"

This Works With 1.24e Only

Download Link: ~> Dream Dota v12 Cracked

Download This File Then Extract To Your Warcraft III Directory For Garena Users Click Me!
( Make Sure You Make A Backup Of Your war3.exe )

If The Hack Doesn't Work Download This ~> Visual C++ 2010

( Make Sure Make A Fresh Patch Of 1.24e Not The Switcher )
read more »»» Dream DotA v12 Cracked By: PHG-Exodia1337OwnZ

Dota 6.69c Pro mod collided map

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dota 6.69b Pro Mode Collided Map

What is this collided map all about?
This modifier map DotA Allstars, which slightly changes the graphical part of the map, which gives the player a few small advantages. The patch is compatible with the original card (that is, you can play with those players who have this patch is not). All the changes the patch will be visible only to you.

Features: (Same as 6.68c pro-mode collided map+some more)

* Simplified terrain and trees for improved vision and resource management
* Tower attack range circle drawn
* Shadowfiend's nuke range is drawn
* When -ah is activated, a built in maphack is activated (without -ah, this map does not have maphack)
* Improved model/color for various heroes (easier to click, completely negates blur)

Additions and changelogs (From 6.67c to 6.68c)

* Removed the display of characters in the fashion-ah;
* Textures design replaced by transparent;
* The textures of the landscape changed to gray and dark gray;
* Removed most of the vegetation;
* Model trees are replaced by "columns";
* Added range-range destruction of towers;
* Added pointer fire towers;
* Modified model Mortred (now it is more visible under Blur);
* Modified model Nevermore (added pointers to Coille (Shadowraze));
* Added pointers for skill Spectre , Ezalor and others;
* Under the in-game minimap added daily hours (yellow - the day, blue - the night, red - - artificial night (skills of the moon, balanara));
* Changed display cooldown skills.

Additions and changelogs (From 6.68c to 6.68)

* Added pointer to Wisp.
* Revised model of the towers have been replaced by a pointer to an attack on a more vivid.
* Reworked startup screen.
* Added a small plate over the statues.

Additions and changelogs (From 6.69 to 6.69b)

* Reduced crystals from Nevermore

Additions and changelogs (From 6.69b to 6.69c)

* Nothing,only the map version 1-CLICK Dateihoster: DotA v6.69b.w3x [Dota 6.69b pm patch] 1-CLICK Dateihoster: DotA v6.69c.w3x [Dota 6.69c pm patch]
read more »»» Dota 6.69c Pro mod collided map

DotA 6.67b AI Fun 1.6c Download

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.67b AI Fun 1.6c Download - DotA 6.67b AI Fun v1.6c is an ai map for DotA where you can play with 6 different DotA ai fun heroes including Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy. DotA 6.67b ai fun is very easy to play, just download dota ai fun from links below then for you to choose fun heroes you must type -fun when the game begins, then type the appropriate command for each heroes as listed below.

DotA 6.67b AI Fun 1.6c
Update: Fun 2.2 was released.

DotA 6.67b AI Fun Heroes Commands
- Bastion (-bastion)
- Felguard (-felguard)
- Cloud Strife (-cloud)
- Terran Marine (-ricky)
- Hurricane (-frash)
- Offender (-offender)

How to Play DotA 6.67b AI Fun Heroes?
- Download DotA 6.67b AI Fun
- Type -fun when the game starts
- Wait for 15 seconds then type the command of the desired fun hero. (i.e. -cloud)
- Type -flux while playing once in a while to check how many stats you've stacked

DotA 6.67b AI Fun Changelogs
Fun v1.6b: 4/11/10
- Fixed Malragor's Strength and Honor ResearchArt icon path (it appeared green when trying to learn it).
- Fixed memory leaks related to usage of PolarProjectionBJ in Malragor's and Frash's skills. (BIG thanks to Sebra!)

Fun v1.6c 4/11/10
- Fixed 1st level of Overflow causing Malragor to lose his inventory ability.

DotA 6.67b AI Fun Download Links
DotA v6.67b AI Fun

keywords: dota 6.67b ai fun, dota ai fun heroes, dota ai fun download
read more »»» DotA 6.67b AI Fun 1.6c Download

Garena Master Ver 47.07 [06/11/10] UPDATE

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

******************************************************************************************** *=============================== WWW.GARENAMASTER.COM =====================================* ##################################### IMPORTANT ############################################ # Please, always when you download new version of GM, delete all files from old before # # installing this new version! # ############################################################################################ *==========================================================================================* ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.07 - [2010/11/05] - Emergency fix on SplashScreen ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.06 - [2010/11/05] - Fixed bug that make GM stuck at 100% on SplashScreen - Added Emergency Skip, if some ads take long time to load on Splash Screen, it will automatically skip after 25s and close the SplashScreen. - Updated Auto Tunnel, by GarenaZero. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.05 - [2010/11/05] - Tempfix to new garena update ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.04 - [2010/10/30] - all know bugs fixed - added new Auto Tunnel, by GarenaZero - re-added skin support. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.03 - [2010/10/28] - all bugs fixed ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.02 - [2010/10/28] - bugfix. - additioned splash screen, to clean the main form. - soon new features, just wait. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.01 - [2010/10/26] - bugfix. - improved mana bar, to avoid crash, run it before you start the war3. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 47.00 - [2010/10/14] - Multi Client improved, now you will not disconnect from other client if you login with the same account, it mean that you can login how many time in the same account (Use different server from the others and check the "Advanced Network Settings (in garena login) and check "UPnP Port Forward" and "Specify Port (Bypass Firewall), each client need have different server and port!) it is not tested yet, please test and report bugs on forum, and remember: Use at you own risk! Each client will get 50/100 exp -> 15min (basic/gold) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 46.00 - [2010/10/12] - NameSpoofer re-added - Now GM.exe will automatically ask for administrator permission. - Site of Version Checker and changelog changed, i lost the password of FTP... ############################################################################################ If the user that give me FTP read this, please send me the pass again to: ############################################################################################ ******************************************************************************************** Version: 45.00 - [2010/09/12] - Button: "Click here if you get Fatal Error!" fixed, if you still get fatal error, click on it again! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 44.00 - [2010/09/11] - Many bugfix and improvement on GM_Simple - Re-added GM.exe, with some bugfix, so now you choose what give less errors to you, and what * you think that is best. - Now with GM Simple, with more than 1 garena open, will work only this feature: * exp hack, no full dialog, no 5s wait, Gold style, but with GM.exe this features will be enabled * automatically, but others features selected too.... - Some others bugfix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 43.00 - [2010/09/10] - Rune Notifier readded. - Simple WC3 Maphack V3 by h4c0r-BG Added [ Press F5 inside of war3 to configure ] - Default membership changed to Gold Member due requests ######### - Both [Rune Notifier and MH] need close your war3 first before enabling it. - Both [Rune Notifier and MH] only need enable it the first time, and will be enabled forever until you disable it. - Rune Notifier will only work while GarenaMaster is running [but you can close after open war3] ******************************************************************************************** Version: 42.00 - [2010/09/09] - Simple version, with no bugs to everyone! - Login removed! - One Click and Go! - Host Hack finished and will be enabled automatically. (more info on how to use, read Features) - All features enabled by default, if you wanna disable something, go to: DATA/dat/Features.dat and put ; on FEATURE and offsets! - Removed War3 Hacks [ Use Garena Universal MapHack if you wanna it.) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 41.00 - [2010/09/09] - Fix to new garena update! - Not finished yet: Host Hack and NameSpoofer ******************************************************************************************** Version: 39.00 - [2010/08/16] - Offline mode added (Allow you to use GarenaMaster even if you are not connected to internet) [ Offline mode is activated automatically if you are not connected to internet ] - UserSpy disabled, new garena forum do not support this function. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 38.00 - [2010/08/12] - Fixed bug on [Unlock "Disable Strange Message"] - I think that now all crash related bug is fixed, and everything 100% compatible with new garena. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 37.04 - [2010/08/12] - Fixed and added old auto joiner [ Thanks to plitvice ] - Fixed Host Hack - Now the Auto Cleanner no longer restart your garenamaster. ### If someone still getting crash issue please, try enable only 1 feature by each time, and test what exacly feature is making you crash and report to me, so i'll fix... ### ******************************************************************************************** Version: 37.03 - [2010/08/11] - Fixed Private Message. - Fixed Name Spoofer. - Removed "Ladder Stats in-game" -> reason: Ladder off-line long time ago... - Added Auto Joiner DLL to inject when press Patch. [ old integrated auto joiner will be added later... - Fixed some bugs with Crash... ******************************************************************************************** Version: 37.02 - [2010/08/11] - Due many noobs that don't know how to simple execute the Registry Cleaner.bat, i make to auto-clean the registry in the first run. PS: NAME SPOOFER IS NOT DONE YET, DO NOT USE IT UNTIL NEXT UPDATE! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 37.01 - [2010/08/11] - Fixed Registry Cleaner.bat ############ IMPORTANT ############ if you get error when open GarenaMaster, please run Registry Cleaner.bat, and when it say Done! run GarenaMaster again. ################################### ******************************************************************************************** Version: 37.00 - [2010/08/11] - Updated to work with new garena update. - 99% finished, i only need update the integrated auto joiner, but i'll do it later, until that you can use the Auto Joiner DLL button (will be auto injected when press "Start Garena", the only difference is that not work with multi garena. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 36.02 - [2010/08/09] - Emergency Fix ******************************************************************************************** Version: 36.01 - [2010/08/09] - Chat re-added. - Small bugfix. - Security improved. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 36.00 - [2010/07/27] - Improved Integrated "Advanced W3X Configurator v2" (AWC). - Added Warcraft 3 Version Switcher (to change your war3 version in 1 click), integrated on AWC. - This Version Switcher is much better than the one that have on internet, and made by myself. - Changed default skin to WLM. (based on Windows Live Messenger) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 35.05 - [2010/07/22] - Added Tips to every button, to help begginers use GarenaMaster without problem. - Added new option to MH, "[SAFE MODE]..." that units have the "Slow Motion" but can't be detected on ScreenShot - Fixed bug that make UserSpy not start on center of screen. - Added Console Command: "-clear" (Delete All GarenaMaster Registry and close itself) - Added "Registry Cleaner.bat" to auto execute -clear command ******************************************************************************************** Version: 35.04 - [2010/07/21] - Added Notice System - Added New skins - Emergency Fix related to Notice System. - Improved Ads Code - Improved EXP Bar and fixed some search bug on UserSpy. ################################################## DREAM DOTA PRICE LOWERED!! This is your chance to get your DreamDota!!! ------------------------ [EN] 1 YEAR: From: $36,00 to: $24,00 1 MONTH: From: $16,00 to $10,00 ------------------------ [BR] 1 Ano: De: R$ 79,00 Para: R$ 50,00 ( deposito ) 1 Mês De: R$ 29,00 Para: R$ 17,00 ( deposito ) ------------------------ ################################################## ******************************************************************************************** Version: 35.02 - [2010/07/08] - Added support to external skins, all skins will be located on DATA\Skins - Added many skins, now have 55 skins! - Improved design. - Removed Calendar. - Changed Start Garena button, to image button. ################################################## DREAM DOTA V10 RELEASED (PAID ONLY) SEE CHANGES HERE: (at end of page) ################################################## ******************************************************************************************** Version: 35.01 - [2010/07/08] - Fixed bug: "Failed to get data on 'netport'", to peoples that don't play warcraft 3. - Added button to hide calendar, if you not like it. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 35.00 - [2010/07/07] - Added Advanced W3X Configurator, with many features, made by myself. - Fixed "Slow Motion" bug on MapHack 1.24e - 1.24b - Design improved. - Added Skin Changer, with 20 skins to you choose!! - some bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 34.02 - [2010/07/02] - Fixed bug that make you click on screen every 10min. - Removed DreamDota cracked, the cracked version is really unstable, if you wanna use it, you can buy the official version that is stable and without bug's, you can buy it on DreamDota(New) tab and click on View site. - GarenaMaster icon changed, if you have a better icon, you can send me to: - Minor bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 34.01 - [2010/07/02] - Emergency fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 34.00 - [2010/07/02] - Login System re-added and reworked. - GarenaMaster will start on center of screen now. - Save Features button removed, it will be saved automatically now. - Features checked will be saved on registry now, no more lose your prefference on every new version. - Fixed a error message about version incompatible on DreamDota. - Fixed a major crash bug on DreamDota - others things that i don't remember now =) DreamDota Hotkeys: End = MH / Rune notifier ON/OFF (default OFF) Home = Damage / Healing ON/OFF (default ON) - = Increase Cam Distance + = Decrease Cam Distance Hold ~ or ' = Enable Auto Last Hit, release it to move freely Pause Break = Disable / Enable ALL TAB = Show Score Board How to use DreamDota: Just Close your warcraft, click on Enable DreamDota, to disable click again, now on Disable DreamDota. PS: if you get error: MSVCR100.dll missing, please install it: ******************************************************************************************** Version: 33.03 - [2010/06/29] - Added check to not allow enabling DreamDota while warcraft is open. - Updated DreamDota Crack to v9.2 ***Fix on DreamDota Crack:*** -Fixed a bug that preventing DreamDota.ini from being read at all (whoops). -If DreamDota.ini can't be read, it will now use the normal default keys (tab and ~). -Fixed a bug that caused the login screen to show up occasionally. DreamDota Hotkeys: End = MH / Rune notifier ON/OFF (default OFF) Home = Damage / Healing ON/OFF (default ON) - = Increase Cam Distance + = Decrease Cam Distance Hold ~ or ' = Enable Auto Last Hit, release it to move freely Pause Break = Disable / Enable ALL TAB = Show Score Board How to use DreamDota: Just Close your warcraft, click on Enable DreamDota, to disable click again, now on Disable DreamDota. PS: if you get error: MSVCR100.dll missing, please install it: ******************************************************************************************** Version: 33.02 - [2010/06/29] - Many improvement/bugfix on User Spy. - Added cracked DreamDota, by: LordTerror @ d3scene - Emergency fix on dreamdota crack - Auto LastHit key: HOLD SHIFT to last hit, and release it to move freely - Fixed bug on Select GG Folder. - Added missing dll: winmm.dll ******************************************************************************************** Version: 32.04 - [2010/06/24] - Many improvement on "User Search": - Added exp percent after level. - Fixed exp reaming - reworked Client EXP: - Added Client EXP: current exp / needed exp - removed League Exp, useless... - Many bugfix/improvement related on formula calculation - Many bugfix related to GarenaMaster/Warcraft: - Fixed Rune notifier that are not working after security improvement. - Fixed DelayOn value that are not loading after skin change. - Fixed Custom LagOn that are not working after change from file to registry - Fixed Host Hack That are not working after security improvement. - "User Check" renamed to "User Spy" ******************************************************************************************** Version: 32.03 - [2010/06/24] - Increased security to avoid garena detection. - Fixed bug on "User Search" - Added new check to "User Search" -> "Level" and "Exp to level-up" - And others minor bugfix - PS: If you get this error: HTTP/1.1 404 Undescribed. this is because of php error on Garena Forum, just press ENTER to try again ******************************************************************************************** Version: 32.02 - [2010/06/24] - Fixed bugs due change on server - Fixed bug on "Users Online" script - Updated all links to old forum free again, paid one is soo laggy. - Added new Garena Feature: "User Check", you can find it on Garena Tab, with it you can check all user info, like: nick, uid, exp, posts, last ban time, ban reason... if you know some good thing to check too, let me know that i'll add it... i'll add Level check too, not only Exp Check, but in next version maybe =) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 32.01 - [2010/06/22] - Some improvement on design. - Added "Your version" number on Config Tab - Added "Last version" number on Config Tab - Minor bugfix on ChatBox - Fixed bug: "Failed to set AutoLogin data" - Reworked "New version available" warning. - and many bug fix's that i don't remember now :) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 32.00 - [2010/06/22] - Login System removed, server not good enough to work with 3k+ users online... - Bug that garenamaster not show on taskbar fixed. - Chatbox now have option to you put your wanted nick. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 31.00 - [2010/06/21] - New design (by OpenFire =) - New login system, integrated with new forum (by OpenFire =) - Some bugs fixed. - New chat added integrated with new forum - Bug that mh not working to some peoples, not fixed yet, because here work fine, so is hard to test what is wrong, lol... - Fixed Abnormal bug (i think, lol) - Auto Login disabled in first run to peoples that are using "freepass" ******************************************************************************************** Version: 30.04 - [2010/06/17] - Emergency fix ******************************************************************************************** Version: 30.03 - [2010/06/17] - Added auto-login with Free-Pass, until we finish the new login system - New download/blog page: - New Forum page: ******************************************************************************************** Version: 30.02 - [2010/06/17] - Emergency version, with this you will be able to login when we finish changing the server. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 30.01 - [2010/06/16] - Added button to skip Garena Folder Selection (To people that play in another platform). - Updated to new Garena Update ( 2010/06/16 ) - By OpenFire - Removed Registry Form, i put to open the site again, instead of openning it in GM. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 29.03 - [2010/06/12] - Removed EXE Encryption due many false-positives, and newbies think that it is virus ¬¬ - Removed "Save" button, now Custom Values is auto-saved on registry. - Improvement on Code. - Added "Auto-Login" Checkbox inside of GarenaMaster, if you want disable/enable it in next login. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 29.02 - [2010/06/12] - Small bug fix - Added Auto Tunneler, by Desu_Is_A_Lie and updated by Garena AHK - Added auto close ads after 2min ( because that sometime it run music ¬¬ ) - EXE Encrypted again. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 29.01 - [2010/06/08] - Improved Login System, it is faster now and i think that "Stuck" problem is solved, please report on forum if you keep getting this problem when try login... - Improved "About" ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.20 - [2010/06/08] - Added separated tool (Auto-Login Changer.exe) to disable the Auto Login, if you have some problem with that... ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.19 - [2010/06/04] - Added new tab to announce Dream Dota - Added mirros. - Old version not allowed anymore, only 28.19+ ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.18 - [2010/06/04] - Added Auto Login Checkbox. - UserInfo folder is no longer used... now everything will be saved on Registry. - Small bugfix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.17 - [2010/06/03] - emergency fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.16 - [2010/06/03] - some improvement. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.15 - [2010/05/30] - Fixed alt-tab bug. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.14 - [2010/05/24] - Changed from 000webhost to new server, because my account has deleted without reason ¬¬ - Added online users counter. ########### ----------- PS: Due problem on server, please download from here: ----------- ########### ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.13 - [2010/05/21] - For some reason, some users can't see ads on garenamaster and get error when it try load.. then i added one check, if ads load fine, show it and refresh every 10min, if not, stop refreshing, hide it and show garenamaster logo. - Undefined error fixed. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.12 - [2010/05/21] - Emergency fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.11 - [2010/05/21] - Added Re-Connect to Chat Server every time that you click on Chat, due timeout... - Emergency fix. - Changed design. PS: "ENTER" Button not work on Chat, use "TAB -> Space bar" instead, to send message. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.10 - [2010/05/12] - Improved To-Tray, now it is better (less bugs) - Improved Chat, now you can resize or maximize it. - Added Show/Hide Chat on tray menu. - Improved GarenaMaster performance. - Fixed Register page "white box" bug. - Fixed bug that GarenaMaster do not open on few PCs. - And others small bugfix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.09 - [2010/05/12] - Improved Changelog and Chat box. - Updated Logo. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.08 - [2010/05/12] - Fixed some bugs and improved To-Tray (Show/Hide) feature. - Added Chat Button, that you can connect directly to GarenaMaster forum chat inside of GM. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.07 - [2010/05/09] - Emergency fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.06 - [2010/05/09] - Added To Tray button - Fixed small bug on To Tray - Added WarKey++ - some minor bugfix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.05 - [2010/05/06] - Fixed bug that always say that have new version, even if not have! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.04 - [2010/05/06] - Emergency fix ( many peoples can't see games when using GarenaMaster ), fixed. - Improved updater system, now it will ask you if you want download new version or keep using outdated version (if i want i can block some version to not work and force to update) - Re-added "PATCH" button on garena, due many people having problem with "Start Garena", when we fix it 100% we will remove it again. PS: You can't use "PATCH" button when using "Start Garena", only when you open garena manually. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.03 - [2010/05/06] - Re-added old auto-joiner ( due new not working on multi client ) but PLEASE, if you get error with that, disable it and try use "Auto Joiner DLL" - added skip to VPex error for now (some times real ping in game and ladder stats in game may not work, we are working on it yet) - Please, wait 5s when garena start, before login. - minor bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.02 - [2010/05/05] - Fixed all 'Disable All' ( thanks to alextrusk, i don't tested yet, bugs report on forum! ) - Updated "About" - "Version Info" Moved to "About" - Some GUI Improvement. - Some improvement on code. - Fixed bug that some times you can't use Save Features, get error E1. - Removed EXE Encryption (i'll add back on next Garena Update or i'll make this hack private if someone try leech it again! i really pissed about peoples that don't pay nothing and only know bullshitting all the time!) - minor bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 28.01 (a) - [2010/05/04] - Fixed NameSpoofer when using multi client. - Removed old Auto Joiner, added new by OpenFire, will be auto enabled when click on "Start Garena" and will pop-up message asking if you wanna enable it, when try join in any room. - Fixed Trade hack / Resource View bug that make your warcraft 1.24d crash when game start. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 27.54 (d) - [2010/05/03] - Emergency Fix. - Fixed Disable All (1.24e) ( by plitvice ), report bugs on forum, please. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 27.54 (c) - [2010/05/03] - Fixed Trade Hack (all versions) - Fixed Multi Client ( renamed it to Start Garena ) - Removed Patch button on Garena Tab ( please, select features that you want, save it and use Start Garena. - Many improvement on login system. - Added Garena feature: Change /w to 'Nick' and 'ENTER'( Right click -> Whisper) (good if you want make list of users in room, for some reason). - Improved security ( some improvement on Generate Random Window Title) - Many bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 27.54 (b) - [2010/04/29] - show ladder stats in game fixed. - Added mini-browser to make the register - Fixed bug "No registry key found! Re-install Garena to proceed." - Added small ads. - Re-added Delay Reducer on features list. - Know bug: Multi client will only patch the first openned, so please don't use hacks when you have more than 1 garena open ( exemple: mh ), it will be fixed soon. - minor bug's fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 27.54 (a) - [2010/04/29] - Added "Try Auto-Detect" on dialog to find Garena Folder ( read from registry ). - Re-Added host hack, changed how it work, now you don't need select it on "Features List" anymore, simple click on "Host Hack" and when you want change the value (ms) change it on config. and click on "Save Custom Values". - Removed checkbox to save values, now if you want save it, just click on "Save Custom Values". ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.53 (m) - [2010/04/28] - Removed the Registry read to get your garena folder, and added option to you set it manually. - Re-added feature to remove Garena\CrashSender.exe and Garena\Garena.dmp when you login on GM. - Improved Multi Client, to work even if you don't have Garena installed by Installer. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.52 (L) - [2010/04/28] - Removed the feature to auto-remove the crashsender, due bug on users that do not have garena installed by installer, i'll improve it and put back later. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.52 (j) - [2010/04/28] - Emergency fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.52 (i) - [2010/04/28] - Improved security to avoid ban. - Added new feature: Protect From CrashSender ( disable it and the creation of Garena.dmp) - Everytime that you run the hack, it will delete (if exist) CrashSender.exe and Garena.dmp - Encrypted the username/password that is saved on DATA\UserInf\User.inf - minor bugs fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.51 (H) - [2010/04/27] - Changed the wrong features.dat released on 26G ¬¬ ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.50 (G) - [2010/04/27] - Fixed Exp Hack - Fixed Styles - Disabled Host Hack due bugs, we will fix/enable on v27a, just wait. - minor bugs fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.49 (F) - [2010/04/27] - Fixed and Re-Added Auto Joiner, thanks to plitvice and openfire - Some improvement on Name Spoofer - Some improvement on LoginServer - Styles and XP Hack will be added later! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.48 (E) - [2010/04/27] - Fixed NameSpoofer bug, now i think that is working 100% - Improved name spoofer, added Custom Box to put your wanted NameSpoofer, and it will be stored on DATA\UserInfo\Custom.inf - Disabled Exp Hack, will be enabled and fixed later. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.47 (D) - [2010/04/27] - removed old updater system, now will only redirect to download site. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.45 (C) - [2010/04/27] - bug fix ******************************************************************************************** Version: 26.43 (A) - [2010/04/27] - Improved login system - Improved Updates detection - Improved Save Custom/Save user&pass - Improved APPLE_NAME, now you can use: { RED_APPLE_NAME BLACK_APPLE_NAME GREEN_APPLE_NAME BLUE_APPLE_NAME WHITE_APPLE_NAME } ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.43 (N) - [2010/04/22] - Fixed many bugs on LoginServer (client-sided) - Added to auto start the updater if the version is outdated (on login screen) - Added some more security ;) - Minor bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.41 (M) - [2010/04/22] - Fixed Save Selected bug on Garena TAB. - Fixed bug on LoginServer. - Other minor bug fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.40 (L) - [2010/04/21] - Fixed bug on "Save Password" on login system. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.39 (j) - [2010/04/21] - Login System - Improved Rune notifier - Added beep when rune respawn - Host hack ( .kick = instant kick .k = alias to kick .block = kick with lag screen .b = alias to block .delayon = lag the determined player with custom ms. .xon = alias to delayon .delayoff = disable delayon to determined player .xoff = alias to delayoff ) - fixed auto joiner ( now work with x64 system ) - fixed rune notifier ( now work with x64 system ) - Added Custom Cam Distance hack - Added custom Delay Reducer - Added checkbox to save custom values - Added ESP Hero hack - Added protection to prevent leech. - Multi Client not finished yet, please don't use hack with it - Many bug fix - Many improvement. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.38 (i) - [2010/04/06] -- New updater system. ** How it work now: Check for new version If you version is updated, then just say "your version is already updated" If you version is NOT updated, then say and redirect you to download page. Version: 25.38 (i) / Feature: 12/ W3X: 18 - [2010/04/05] -- Emergency FIX ( Fixed fatal error issue ) -- Know bug: 1.24d mh is on "Slow Motion", i will fix it soon... ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.38 (h) - [2010/04/05] *************** PRE-RELEASE OF VERSION 26 ************** -- New Interface -- [w3x] Disable ALL Added (1.24e/d/c) -- [w3x] Show Ping Signal Added (1.24e/d/c) -- [w3x] Ally/Enemy/All Hero icon (1.24e/d/c) -- [w3x] Rune Notifier -- [w3x] Gray HP (1.24e/d/c) -- [w3x] Red Invisible units -- [w3x] MH Improved -- [w3x] 1.24b mh not finished yet -- [Garena] Added Dota Ladder checker -- Added To-Tray feature -- Added version info -- Added Safe Multi-Garena (Not connect to same account) -- Changed GarenaM4ST3R Icon -- Custom cam Distance Hack / Delay reducer (Disabled, not finished yet) -- Many improvement on source -- Many bug fix -- Many other things that i don't remember now :\ ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.30 (g) - [2010/03/24] -- Added support to 1.24e (Mana Bars) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.30 (f) / Feature: 11/ W3X: 15 - [2010/03/23] -- Little change on design ( not 26 design yet) -- Fixed Save features bug, that erase the last feature code -- Changed name from 'Save Features' to: 'Save selected' -- Added success message on Save selected. -- Minor bugs fix. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.27 (e) - [2010/03/19] -- Fixed Hide ADS ( Some people crashing when enter on room ) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.27 (d) - [2010/03/16] -- Official Forum finally done. (Added link to forum) -- ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.26 (d) - [2010/03/16] -- Fixed error: mana.dll is not a valid windows image. -- Fixed Super clan nudge code. -- Fixed Delay Reducer code. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.26 (c) - [2010/03/14] -- Code improvements -- Typo fixed :-D -- Few notifications added ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.25 (b) - [2010/03/14] -- Improved the updater, now it is checking a lot faster ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.25 (b) - [2010/03/13] -- Improved 1.24d features -- Added: Delay Reducer (Will be improved soon by Desu_Is_A_Lie) -- Added: Ally/Enemy/All Icon hack ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.25 (b) - [2010/03/13] -- Save features added. Select the tab with features you want to save and click the button. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.1 (a) - [2010/03/13] -- Finished 1.24b ( same features that 1.24c, i will improve c/b to the same e/d other day. ) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 25.1 (a) - [2010/03/12] -- Finished 1.24e (new features and improved old's), -- Finished 1.24d(new features and improved old's), -- Added Mana Bars by cqccyh, -- Added protection to not enable wrong map hack version. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 24.17 (d) - [2010/03/11] -- Added protection to only inject Cooldown hack on 1.24d. -- Fixed minor bug -- Added Map Hack 1.24e ( i will add click on fog later ) -- If you get error after update, please download full version from site! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 24.16 (c) - [2010/03/11] -- Fixed minor bug ******************************************************************************************** Version: 24.15 (b) - [2010/03/11] -- (UPDATE TWICE) -- More maphack functions -- (UPDATE TWICE) -- Code improvements -- (UPDATE TWICE) -- Updater updated -- (UPDATE TWICE) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 24.13 (a) - [2010/03/10] ****** DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION YET!! WE ARE TESTING UPDATER VERSION YET! ********** -- Interface updated -- More maphack functions -- Code improvements -- Now all the files are in 'DATA' folder -- Now updater will check first if have update to itself, then to other things (bug fix) ****** DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION YET!! WE ARE TESTING UPDATER VERSION YET! ********** ******************************************************************************************** Version: 23.9 (b) - [2010/03/09] -- !!! DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION FROM THE SITE !!! -- Fixed bug on updater.exe with W3XFeatures.dat (if you have not yet downloaded 23 version, you need download this from site) -- Added cooldown hack by Stroh's (run this with WC3 Openned and read instructions) -- !!! DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION FROM THE SITE !!! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 23.7 (a) - [2010/03/09] -- !!! DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION FROM THE SITE !!! -- Fixed few minor bugs -- Updater interface -- (NEW) Built-In maphack -- Code improvements -- !!! DOWNLOAD NEW VERSION FROM THE SITE !!! -- ^^ ******************************************************************************************** Version: 22.4 (d) - [2010/03/05] -- Fixed bug on Updater, please download from here: -- Or download full version from Official website: -- It not will update only with updater!!! you need download from site! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 22.3 (c) - [2010/03/05] -- Fixed bug on Drop Hack (Injector) that you need click on PATCH before clicking on Drop Hack. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 22.2 (b) - [2010/03/05] -- Fixed bug on Drop Hack (Injector) by Desu_Is_A_Lie ******************************************************************************************** Version: 22.1 (a) - [2010/03/03] -- New design. -- Fixed some bugs. -- Added 'Official Website' Button -- Changed from: 'Enable Drop' to: 'Drop Hack' -- Changed from: 'About and Credits' to: 'About' ******************************************************************************************** Version: 21.1 (b) - [2010/03/01] -- Updated Updater, please download from here: With this new updater, it's will be possible to update the drop hack dll too. ******************************************************************************************** Version: 21.1 (a) - [2010/03/01] -- Added Drop Hack, by alextrusk, injector by OpenFire -- Please download manually this dll: and put this on GarenaM4ST3R Folder (Without this, Drop Hack will not work! ******************************************************************************************** Version: 20.1 (b) - [2010/02/26] -- Fixed Hide ADS ( RIGHT ), now i think that will not crash anymore with x64 system ( Thanks to OpenFire ) ******************************************************************************************** Version: 20.1 (a) - [2010/02/22] -- Changed updater server, with larger bandwith ( ) -- Re-added CLI Version, with SAFE version (use this if you have problem with GUI or full CLI version), this will not be auto-updated! -- Changed EXP Hack offset, i think that now it will work 100% ( 50xp / 15min basic ) / ( 100xp / 15min gold). -- Fixed APPLE_NAME. -- Added new feature: Super Spam Nudge (CLAN Chat) by: [GARENA]GoDLiKe. ********************************************************************************************
read more »»» Garena Master Ver 47.07 [06/11/10] UPDATE

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, November 5, 2010

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c - This is the latest version of Fun Map for DotA v6.67b AI. DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c covers the following DotA Fun Maps updates:

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c
Fun v1.6c
Fun v1.7
Fun v2.0
Fun v2.1
Fun v2.1b
Fun v2.1c

Update: Fun 2.2 was released.

This will be the final release until 6.68c AI comes. Once again, I lied. We've all been patiently waiting for it. At least let us wait while having fun with... -fun!

Known issues:

* Hax can sometimes work without draining mana.
* If Puff changes form with a runed bottle, he will not be able to use it or drop it for the rest of the game.

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c Heroes and Skills

Bastion (H600) A550,A551,A552,A553 (A55T with Scepter)
Felguard (H700,H701,H702,H703) A9ZG,A9ZH,A9ZJ,A9ZU
Cloud (H704) A9H9,A9HE,A9HD,A9HF
Ricky (H705,H706,H707,H708) A9FE,A9FF,A9FH,A9FI
Frash (H709) A9LV,A9LX,A9LZ,A9M1
Offender (H710) A9E6,A9E9,A9EB,A9EF
Rawrzi (H711) A9D4,A9DH,A9DI (A9M8 with Scepter)
Puff (H712) A9GD,A9GJ,A9GU,A9H1
Puff (H713) A9GE,A9GK,A9GV,A9H3
Puff (H714) A9GF,A9GL,A9GW,A9H4
Puff (H715) A9GG,A9GM,A9GX,A9H6
Puff (H716) A9GH,A9GN,A9GY,A9H7
Puff (H717) A9GI,A9GO,A9GZ,A9H8
Conjurer (H718) A31Q,A31R (the golem boulder skill code is A31Y),A31S,A31T (A31U with Scepter)
Boomerwang (H719) A9KA (the 3 sub skills are A9KA,A9KB,A9KC),A9KD,A9KE,A9KW
Intimidator (H720) A9MT,A9MU,A9MV,A9MY
Rider (H721) A9KY,A9L0,A9L1,A9L2
Gambler (H722) A9EM,A9EN,A9EO,A9EP
Old N'aix (H723) A9DO,A9DP,A9DQ,A9DR
Old Medusa (H724) A9NW,A9O4,A9O5,A9O6 (A9O7 with Scepter)

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c Changelogs

Fun v1.6c: 4/11/10
- Fixed 1st level of Overflow causing Malragor to lose his inventory ability.

Fun v1.7: 6/11/10
- Sebra fixed the fun tavern problem. You can still pick heroes via commands if you don't want to lose gold.
- Added Rawrzi, the Pet Summoner. For you customkeys lovers, her id is H711 and her skills are A9D4, A9DH, A9DI, A9DJ (becomes A9M8 with Scepter).
- When Rawrzi summons her pets, previously summoned pets are instantly killed (just like Beastmaster's Call of the Wild).
- Added Aghanim's Scepter visuals for Bastion and Rawrzi.
- Added -tips support for all fun tavern heroes.
- Tried to clean the code of Hax, but I doubt it's going to do any good to its related bug. Couldn't hurt to try though.

Fun v2.0: 10/11/10
- Remade the fun tavern layout.
- Added two more game modes, -funheroes and -funitems.
- Removed the commands to select heroes, they're not needed anymore.
- Added a proper engineering upgrade for Bastion with Scepter.
- Tweaked Bastion's Scepter upgrade. It no longer affects his other skills (caps are 16/24/32/40 with or without Scepter ), instead it lowers the cooldown of Tranference to 90/60/30, increases its casting range from 700 to 1000 and improves the percentage ratio to 75/75.
- Nerfed Cloud's Braver and Blade Beam slightly. (Braver does 65/130/195/260 damage, Blade Beam does 75(65) / 150(130 / 225(195) / 300(260) and the cooldown is 7 seconds).
- Added Puff.
- Added Conjurer.
- Added Fluids Engineer.
- Added Intimidator.
- Added Rider.
- Added Gambler.
- Added Old N'aix.
- Added Old Medusa.
- Changed Bastion's Scepter visuals.
- Added Scepter visuals to Old Medusa.
- Fixed fun tavern heroes' scepters sell cost.
- Tweaks to attack types of Ante Up/Chip Stack/Lucky Stars/Backstab.
- When Ricky gains 1 agility from Precision, it's displayed overhead.

Fun v2.1: 14/11/10
- Fixed a memory leak related to picking a fun tavern hero.
- Fixed suicides caused by Puff's lightning form.
- Puff's illusions no longer disappear when changing form.
- Added a leaderboard for Bastion. It replaces his death timer board and show his flux stats. The -flux command is still around, since the board is experimental and can be inaccurate.
- Added Formless.
- Added Invoker.
- Changed Bastion's Scepter visuals... again. >_< - Changed AI item build of Balanar to replace Radiance with MKB (he ended up making Blood Sword). Fun v2.1b: 15/11/10
- Fixed Bone Dragon Roar from not working correctly. It seems I broke it while fixing the green one. Oops.
- Fixed the computer freeze when Formless gets Scepter.
- Added a message for Formless to let the player know he can use Scepter.
- Added -oldinvokelist.

Fun v2.1b: 15/11/10
- Fixed *another* glitch with Bone Dragon Roar. Now it finally does what it should!

DotA v6.67b AI plus Fun v2.1c Download
See all available DotA AI Map
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Dota 2 Frequently Asked Questions - Dota 2 FAQ

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dota 2 Frequently Asked Questions - Dota 2 FAQ - IceFrog posted series of Question and & Answer session regarding DotA 2.

Dota 2 Q&A
November 1, 2010 - IceFrog

Q: Is there reconnect support for DotA 2? (by Vanes-UT)
A: This was actually one of the very first things we added early on, before the game was stable, in order to help with testing. You’ll also be able to have a friend of similar skill level substitute for you in case you have to leave. Players that want to improve their reputation in the game and community will also be able to help out by joining ongoing games that are missing players.

Q: Can I still play with my friends from America even though I am European? (by Adam Mosley)
A: Yes, a lot of people have friends in different regions and we want to allow them to easily interact. One of the things that makes DotA special is how big the community is, so we will do our best to make it easy to connect and communicate with one another.

Q: How are you going to handle delay and lag between players? (by Alex)
A: This is something we are putting a lot of time and resources into. Minimizing delay to servers, along with optimizing networking code, is very important to being able to enjoy DotA on both a casual and competitive level. We’re expanding the Steam infrastructure around the world so the matchmaking service for DotA 2 is able to provide the lowest possible ping wherever you are playing. There will also be some uniquely located servers that are optimized regionally for handling longer distance matches.

Q: What kind of hardware requirements will the game have? (by S.Hong)
A: We don’t have an official minimum spec just yet. The goal is to make sure that people with older computers and the PCs at LAN centers will be able to support the game, while also allowing for newer computers to scale well.

Q: I heard there was going to be an AI feature for when a player leaves. Is there going to be an option to take direct control of the hero? (by Stephen)
A: The AI features will be optional to the players in the game. You can have teammates use it, send it to the base, or give it AI modes and behaviors to follow.

Q: Will there be anything like the AI maps in DotA or a “training mode” with difficulty levels? (by L.Pham)
A: Yes there will be bot support if you just want to play by yourself, or you can create a party of friends and fill the rest of the slots with bots. There are a variety of different settings you can use in order to configure the bots, ranging from selectable difficulty levels to specific behaviors that you want to practice against. For example, if you want to practice your lane control, you could configure the bots to be stronger at denying, last hitting, and harassing. We’ll also have some specially crafted challenge scenarios, similar to things like Pudge Wars, which I’ll elaborate on in the future.

Q: Will the replay system allow me to move freely backwards and forwards in time rather than having to watch a whole replay? (by Luciando)
A: You’ll be able to jump around to any point in the replay, add bookmarks for easy referencing, view detailed stats and graphs while the game is going, and watch through a specific player’s view (with regards to their camera movement). You’ll also be able to watch replays with friends if you want to review a game or learn from your mistakes. To aid videomakers, the replay system will have flexible camera angle and speed controls. There will also be a bunch of commentating and editing features you can add to your replays.

Q: Don’t you think you should make a lot of changes to the gameplay? (by Robert)
A: Significant changes would not necessarily make it a better game. There are countless features we are building around the game that will make the experience a much better one. The gameplay itself, though, has always evolved step by step, and it will continue with that methodology. We consider this a long term project, in the same way DotA has always been. We want to provide a quality experience and not just change for the sake of change. You’ll naturally see additions and improvements to the game as time passes, but it would be a natural progression aimed at improving the game for the players and not for other arbitrary reasons. Valve and I strongly believe that the player focused development process the game has gone through is what will allow us to continue making the best decisions with regards to where we spend our development time.

Q: Can you spectate an already ongoing DotA 2 game? (by Valo)
A: A lot of the game will be built around spectating and shoutcasting support. You will be able to join most ongoing games (unless the players marked it as private) and just watch them. You can join a game your friend is in, see what your favorite clan is doing, or simply pick a skill level and a hero you like and it will find you one to watch. We also have a system in place that automatically distributes the load to multiple servers so that the game itself won’t be affected by users joining to spectate. Our distribution network will allow us to support any number of users that want to watch, by dynamically assigning more servers to the task. There will also be special tags and search options to help you find live or old shoutcasted games. Shoutcasters will be able to operate as directors, so anyone watching will have his camera looking at the same things the shoutcaster is viewing. There is also an optional anti-cheat mechanism built in so that the game you are spectating can be time delayed by any amount of time to reduce potential abuse.

Q: Will you keep loyal to casting times like Torrent and will it still be possible to do the advanced tricks, like animation canceling, fog of war tricks we’ve learned, etc? (by Lycan)
A: Yes, those mechanics are implemented. They are a very integral part of the game and it wouldn’t feel the same without them.

Q: How will we manage replay files? (by Nikos)
A: They will be automatically saved with your identity online utilizing the Steam Cloud storage system, so you don’t have to worry about losing them. You’ll be able to use the replay browser tools to search, sort, tag, rank, and favorite them.

Q: Are you going to work on DotA after DotA 2 is released? (by Jack Lee)
A: I plan to keep DotA updated for as long as the community wants. That being said though, I think that DotA 2 represents the long term future for the game.

Q: How will development change with regards to your role, current beta testers, community feedback, etc? (by Basel)
A: All that stuff will remain the same, except that now I also get to work with the developers at Valve. All of our current playtesters and even contributors like Kunkka are helping. One of the most important things for me has always been getting input from the community. There will be a lot of opportunities, throughout the next year, to give your feedback on all the things we are working on, ranging from features to visuals.

Q: Are the upgraded graphics going to be distracting? New graphics are great, but when there’s too much, you can’t see what’s going on anymore. (by Lycan)
A: Gameplay is definitely the most important aspect, everyone on the team understands this concern. The number one priority is making sure players can quickly and easily tell what’s happening on the screen at all times. Fine tuning the right visual balance with each ability, effect, hero, etc., will be an ongoing process as the game is playtested and we get your feedback. A clean and understandable visual representation of the action is important to everyone from experienced players, spectators, to new players.

Q: Will I be able to help test DotA 2? (by Sing Liu)
A: There will certainly be an opportunity to get involved with beta testing DotA 2 and help us with your feedback. We’ll release more information about how to sign up in the future.

Q: Are you going to do anything to make it easier for new players to get into the game and feel welcome? (by Arvin)
A: Some of what makes it hard, in current DotA, stems from the lack of services around the game that can help foster a better relationship between players and that it’s hard for players to be matched up with equally skilled allies and opponents. Things like tutorials, matchmaking, AI bots, identity, coaching, and community contribution will go a long way to making it easier for new players to fit in.

Q: What hotkey setup will exist in DotA 2? (by Stany Kaff)
A: We have a few default templates that cover the most popular configurations, but you’ll also be able to fully customize them to your liking. You can customize it on a global level or on a per hero basis if you choose. The hotkey configuration will include everything, not just heroes and items, but also how you navigate in the game, control the camera, autocast, set control groups, etc. Your settings are saved to your identity online, so if you go to a LAN center you will not have to reconfigure your keys.

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