[DotA] Invoker Auto-Hotkey Script Ver.3

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, May 29, 2010

Wynthar's DotA Invoker Auto-Hotkey Script
Version 3

Okay, so version three! Man. I have just spent many hours writing this script. I really don't feel like making a tutorial. But, I'm so happy with the way the script turned out ath I'm going to try to create a nice looking well rounded tutorial to support the script.

kill5link : Code for turning on and off the script in chat rooms/hitting enter/escape.
CerberPl : Pointed out a major flaw in my last script which made this script so much better.
Valarauka : Got some stuff for version one, including the Enter key to toggle.

Newest Feature
So, the thing that I spent hours on this revision is the ability to "remember" which spell or spells are currently invoked. The first tactic I used was to detect what the current spells were by grabbing a pixel at a point of the screen for the spells. I realized I had to get a different color for the spell if it was on the left side or the right side. I also realized I had to get a different color if the spell was currently in cooldown. So, I spent perhaps an hour writing up some code to detect the colors, then one by one I had to cast each spell, get the color, cast next spell get the color, invoke next spell. You get the idea. Eventually it was kind of tricky to get a few of the spells to be on the right side or the left side in order to record the colors.

After spending a long time doing this, I was in window'd mode, and I resized the window. I suddenly noticed that all my colors were off. I did a little bit more experimentation and found out that the colors change at various resolutions. Very upsetting. So I was stumped for a while, but then I thought about something I had seen once. Each time a spell is invoked record it. But there is a problem here too. Because, sometimes the spell doesn't get invoked if the invoke spell is on cool down. So, I grab the colors and determine if the invoke spell actually got casted. If it does, I keep track of the last two spells to be successfully invoked. Rotating in the newly invoked spell and cycling out the spell invoked two times ago. It's working pretty well now.

Known Bug
I know already that there will be one bug. The bug is going to be that if you are only at level 1 of Invoke, and you have invoked two spell so far, the script will think that you have two spells invoked. For example, let's say we've only got one level of invoke, and we invoke sunstrike, and then forge spirits. Well, we want to go cast sunstrike again. The script thinks that we have sun strike, since we can have two spells at higher levels. This will fail then when you try to use F7 to cast sunstrike. Until you have two ranks of invoke, you will have to manually invoke sunstrike (7) before you can cast it with F7.

  • ` Enable the script. You must run this at least once.
  • F1-F10: Cast Spells (Invoke if needed)
  • 1 - 0 : Invoke Spells
  • = : rotate current power balls
  • F11, F12 : click the left and right spots of the invoker spells.

How It Works

In this screen shot: F11 would cast EMP, F12 would cast Sun Strike

"Power Ball"
This is the term that I use to refer to the balls that fly around invoker. When you press "E" three times (for Exort) you will see three red balls floating around invoker. You will also notice his damage goes up +3 each power ball. So +9 at level one. If you have trained up to level 7 Exort you will have a maximum of +63 damage if all three "power balls" are red (Exort). This is why it is handy that when the spells are invoked, it reverts back to the "current" power ball. Sometimes you have the Wes power balls set because you want increased move speed. Say maybe you are trying to run away, or get to a battle. Then you want to cast ice wall and keep running, well then it's nice to just press the number 3, and have it invoke ice wall so you have that spell prepared, then it also reverts back to three Wes balls so that you can keep running quickly. Same goes for the other power balls, like with Exort you want to keep the DPS high.

In order to activate your "power balls" for the script to know which set you have, you must use the = key. You can find in the script where this key is mapped and change it if you want. It just is where I like to have it.

Even if you don't have a particular power ball, pressing = will attempt to "press" that button three times. Just press [=] again and it will move to the next "power ball." Hope that makes sense. Just get into a single player game, pick invoker. Type -lvlup 25 and level up his spells and try playing around with the script.

Invoke Spell Keys
Pressing the following numbers will invoke the spell, then it will revert back to your current "power ball."

1 Deafening Blast
2 Chaos Meteor
3 Ice Wall
5 Forge Spirits
6 Ghost Walk
7 Sun Strike
8 Tornado
9 Alacrity
0 Cold Snap

For Example
If your current power ball is Quas, and you press the number 5. The script will quickly "Click" the Exort, Exort, Quas button, then Invoke, then Quas, Quas, Quas. This will result in preparing the forge spirits spell, and then going back to your quas "powerball."

Of course you can remap all these keys by changing the letters in the script. Should be easy enough to find.
(Hint: *1:: PrepBlast() is where it sets they number 1 to cast the Deafening Blast Spell)

Cast Spell Keys
Same numbering sequence, and similar idea to the Invoke spell script. This spell willa ctually cast the spell as well as invoke it if needed. Remember this will have a bug if you only have one rank of the invoke spell. But once you have the second rank of invoke spell it works pretty well.

F1 Deafening Blast
F2 Chaos Meteor
F3 Ice Wall
F5 Forge Spirits
F6 Ghost Walk
F7 Sun Strike
F8 Tornado
F9 Alacrity
F10 Cold Snap

Attached code as well. (Obviously rename it from Invoker3.txt to Invoker3.ahk)

read more »»» [DotA] Invoker Auto-Hotkey Script Ver.3

DreamDota - advanced micro hack for DotA. version 8

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dreamdota is an advanced micro tool for Dota Allstars.
Can be used on Battle.net and Garena.

You can use free features in multiplayer game, or try out VIP features in single player game without paying.
For VIP features, DreamDota is a private hack and is only available when purchased VIP.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne with version 1.24b ~ 1.24e.
DotA Allstars map 6.63 ~ 6.67c

Where to download
Latest version: v8

How to use
Download and extract 3 dlls, put them into your warcraft folder.
Start game (no matter with exe or with garena), there appears a login window.
You can login with VIP account, or click on trial to test.

If you dont see the login window, check your antivirus setting (probably false kill)
or contact me on MSN: nachtelfen@hotmail.com

How to buy VIP
Price, Payment and contact informations:

We are in cooperation with Garenahack.
You may also purchase it on Garenahack, check the following page:
Dream dota - Dota last hit/auto dodge hack

DreamDota Features:

Free Features - UI related functions
- Press Pause to turn on / off all functions.

- Hotkey to toggle score board on / off (hotkey: tab)

- Shows hero damage taken / healing value over unit with different colors:
white - enemy hero takes physical damage
yellow - enemy hero takes critical / spell damage
red - your own hero takes damage
(toggle feature on/off with hotkey: Home)

- Shows your hero's attack range while holding key
(hotkey: ~)

- Camera feature
Increase camera distance: hotkey "-" on numpad, max 3000
Decrease camera distance: hotkey "+" on numpad, min 1650
Change angle of attack between normal and vertical: hotkey "*" on numpad

- Unit model improvement:
slightly modified several hero's 3d model for easier selection / targeting
they are : Venomancer, Atropos, Rooftrellen

- Detection of other player maphack clicking not visible item / rune
- Detection of other player exchange gold using maphack

VIP Features - micro related functions

You can define custom key for last hit and score board toggle.
By default: 256 (tilde) for last hit, and 515 (tab) for score board.
For further informations about key value, please visit:

* Auto last hit / deny hit (default hotkey "~") *

Hold down the key to use auto hit, release it to move freely.
Ranged hero only hits targets in its range, melee hero will auto move and hits units within 700 range.
Your hero will also last hit towers and neutral creeps

Extra functions while holding down the key:
- when an enemy hero enters your attack range, your hero will automatically
attack it, but last hit action has higher priority.
- if your hero is going to be attacked by creep units, it will try to distract their attack
using attack command on a friendly unit for very short time.

* Auto avoiding spells *

- Pudge meat hook
- PotM arrow
- Windrunner arrow
- kunnka torrent
- use Kelen's Dagger to avoid Tidehunter's ulti skill if available
there will be more in the future !

* Map hacking *
unlike many maphacks, these functions are simple but safe and undetectable.
Both are default off, you can turn on with key End

- Shows enemy hero location on minimap with ping signal
with red or player color depending on ally filter setting
- Rune spawn message
reports location and type of rune when spawned

* Micro improvements *
improves user's action and gameplay.

- Spectre's advanced routing:
when Spectre enters no-collision mode, its move action will be reinterpreted
as a straight path toward destination.

- Pandaren Brewmaster's auto usage of spells:
when your brewmaster uses ultimate skill, the Earth panda will automatically
throw bolt to stun an enemy hero (best target) in its spell range.
Storm panda will cyclone another (stronger one) enemy hero.

- Storm spirit(raijin) combo:
after each spell cast, your storm spirit attacks a best target (enemy hero) within range
this will make best usage of 3rd skill ( overloading)

- Shadow shaman's serpent ward surrounding:
when you cast its ulti skill: serpent ward to location that is very close to an enemy hero,
the action will be adjusted and there is high chance to surround the target directly with wards.

- Advanced 4-units surrounding:
whenever you control at least 4 units that have collisions, select them and
keep using "(M)ove" command rapidly on an enemy unit, just the same as the common surrounding micro,
your each unit goes to the right position and surrounds the target.
read more »»» DreamDota - advanced micro hack for DotA. version 8

DotA 6.67c AI Map

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.67c AI map is soon to be released by Harreke and DotA 6.67c AI is going to be available to DotA community anytime from now. Then right after DotA 6.67c AI, Harreke will prepare for the DotA 6.68 AI map. Download links of DotA 6.67 AI and DotA 6.68 AI will be provided below as soon as they become available.

DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/11/2010) is a second release that contains DotA AI Map fix for some bugs found in previous DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/07/2010).

Update: DotA 6.69c AI Beta is now ready for download. Get your copy now.

We expect more fix to be released by Harreke until it becomes stable and ready for DotA 6.67c AI then next is DotA 6.68 AI.

Just recently, Harreke released DotA 6.67b AI. So what are you waiting for, grab a copy now.

DotA 6.67c AI Map

- Coming Soon

Download link
DotA 6.67c AI Map
DotA 6.68 AI Map

We encourage you to keep visiting our site, set us as your homepage and share us to your friends via Facebook and other social sites using our share buttons located above.

Download links of DotA 6.67 AI and DotA 6.68 AI will be provided as soon as they become available.
read more »»» DotA 6.67c AI Map

DotA 6.68 AI Map, DotA 6.68b AI, DotA 6.68c AI Latest News and Updates

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.68 AI will be the next DotA AI to be created by Harreke. So for now let's just wait until DotA 6.68 AI was released. Good news, DotA 6.67b AI rev2d was finally released.

UPDATE: December 24, 2010
PleaseBugMeNot is the new DoTA AI developer and he released DotA 6.68c AI BETA on December 24, 2010. This is already playable even though it is still in BETA. Let us just wait until DotA 6.68c AI was finally released.

If you want to be the first to receive an update about DotA 6.68 ai, then enter your email here.

You may subscribe to our RSS or follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK to get the latest updates and downloads of Dota 6.68 AI Map.

UPDATE: DotA 6.68c AI BETA was released by PleaseBugMeNot.

Update: DotA 6.67b AI Map Rev2d was released.

Update: Instead of DotA 6.68 ai, DotA 6.68c ai will be released next by PleaseBugMeNot.

Update: DotA 6.69 was released

Update: DotA 6.69c AI Beta is now ready for download. Get your copy now.

Update: June 25, 2011, DotA 6.71b AI Map was released and available in 3 languages EN, RU and BR. Please visit DotA 6.71b AI download page to get your copy of DotA 6.71b AI map.

DotA 6.68 AI Map

We encourage you to keep visiting our site, set us as your homepage and share us to your friends via Facebook and other social sites using our share buttons located above.

Download links of DotA 6.68 AI will be provided as soon as they become available.

- Coming Soon

Download link
DotA 6.68c AI BETA
DotA 6.67b AI rev2d
See all available DotA AI Map
read more »»» DotA 6.68 AI Map, DotA 6.68b AI, DotA 6.68c AI Latest News and Updates

DotA 6.68 Preview Video Coming Soon!

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, May 27, 2010

IceFrog in my last blog, which published an update on new developments in the next DotA 6.68. As we know, IceFrog ready to introduce a balanced result, a perfect balance between characters is proposed brings communities in the new version of DotA to help. He also said DOTA 6.68 is a video preview on the witch, highlighting new content and changes we will see 6.68

That is, his words IceFrog:

I'm still 6.68. We will post a video preview in the near future to see new content. There are a few new heroes, so that the time to ensure high quality. It is also the current contents of the balance between work and many other improvements and features.

If there is something that can be seen and subsequent amendments, please let me know.

Yes guys, it affects our IceFrog comprehensive, balanced and of course, new episodes of Heroes (, cosmetics, etc.). Be prepared to experience something new dota 6.68, video preview soon!.
read more »»» DotA 6.68 Preview Video Coming Soon!

New DotA AI Developer is Harreke, Thanks BMP

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Harreke will continue building DotA AI and expects to release DotA 6.67c AI soon. As we all know that BuffMePlz has retired on DotA AI creation and God-Tony refused to be a successor on DotA AI development. But thanks to BMP he never left us alone, he found Harreke which in past has been researching AI map technologies.

Icefrog statement regarding this matter

First I want to thank BMP for all his work on the AI maps. He has worked hard to make DotA players happy, so please show him your appreciation.

As some of you might know, BMP has retired from AI map development, and has finally located a successor to continue the development; Harreke. Harreke has been researching AI map technology for a while now and has been following BMP's work. He is dedicated to building the new AI maps based on BMP's code and to expand the map development process to allow for faster updates for future versions.

He expects to release DotA 6.67c AI soon and then prepare for the DotA 6.68 AI map.

Let's all commend and give a big round of applause to BuffMePlz to all his efforts on DotA AI creation and to DotA community and for finding Harreke as the new DotA AI developer.

Thanks BMP!!!

DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/11/2010) is a second release that contains DotA AI Map fix for some bugs found in previous DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/07/2010).

We expect more fix to be released by Harreke until it becomes stable and ready for DotA 6.67c AI then next is DotA 6.68 AI.
read more »»» New DotA AI Developer is Harreke, Thanks BMP

DotA 6.68 Status Update

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Sunday, May 23, 2010

Icefrog is doing all he can on DotA 6.68 and their planning to release a video showing off he's latest creation. DotA 6.68 has new heroes coming their way and they were all "high quality" heroes. Well, we expect more things to come and great features and enhancements. Click here to download DotA 6.68.

Here's what Icefrog says

I am still working hard on 6.68. We plan to release a preview video in the near future to showcase some of the new content. There are quite a few new heroes in development so we are taking extra time to make sure they are high quality. There will also be balance work done for the current content as well various other improvements and features.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

DotA 6.69 was released

If there is anything you'd like to see in the next patch, please let me know.
read more »»» DotA 6.68 Status Update

BuffMePlz Retires From Developing DotA AI Maps!

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Wednesday, May 19, 2010

BuffMePlz, developer of DotA AI map recently in his blog that he sensing AI known. It is very sad news for DotA community, there has been established that the author of the version of DotA AI map life in the past two years. DotA fans have a great job and thank him for it and good luck in the future!

It is the latest update BuffMePlz:

After much thought and consideration, I decided not to go with the AI Dota maps. My other work got in the next phase of my life, very little interest in DotA, frustration and meets the needs of the community and the community to cope with my absence, I think it's better for me to drive this project and move.

It is nice for two years, and almost all the updates since version 6.49 (This is the sixth 66b crazy now!) How lazyfiend / RGB, said that when he went out, I think this work more fun, the card is for me and is actually a bit difficult.

God, we Tony (Killerbee) turn to take the lead, and he decides, I'll try to help them as much as possible. Otherwise, I hope that my party like the last two years learning the complexity of the engine and the WC3 is the site-specific.

My passion has always been fun bars, and although it develop from time to time to some of the maps on my old blog trademarks and / or the original, so page website and comments will be betrayed by my continued here.

Thanks guys and have fun!

As mentioned above, methionine ask God, Tony (Killerbee) nor DotA AI. I hope that someone start BuffMePlz and Development DotA 6.67c AI and AI 6.68 DotA map.

Agin, BMP Thank you for your time!.
read more »»» BuffMePlz Retires From Developing DotA AI Maps!

DotA AI Map Creator, BuffMePlz Retires!

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Tuesday, May 18, 2010

DotA AI Map Creator BuffMePlz - For two years since the release of Dota Allstars 6.49 AI map, BuffMePlz finally decided not to continue AI development due to work load and responsibilites. We all have seen the great phenomenon DotA AI Maps had created and how many fans worldwide have been anticipated by the features and heroes on every release of DotA AI Maps. Read BuffMePlz statement below as quoted from his blog.

DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/11/2010) is a second release that contains DotA AI Map fix for some bugs found in previous DotA 6.67b AI Map (v06/07/2010).

We expect more fix to be released by Harreke until it becomes stable and ready for DotA 6.67c AI then next is DotA 6.68 AI.

BuffMePls statement on his retirement as DotA AI developer

After much thought and consideration, I have decided to no longer continue my work on DotA AI maps. Between my increased work responsibilities, advancing on to the next stage of life, my waning interest in DotA, and the frustration from both dealing with the community's demands and the community having to deal with my absences, I believe it is best for me to let this project go and move on.

It was a fun two years, with updates on almost every version since 6.49 (we're up to 6.66b now, crazy!), but as lazyfiend/RGB said when he left, I find that working on this map is no longer enjoyable to me, and is in fact quite a burden.

I've contacted GoD-Tony (killerbee) about taking over, and if he decides to, I'll try to help him get up to speed as much as possible. If not, I hope whomever takes my place will have as much fun as I did these past two years learning the ins and outs of JASS and the WC3 engine.

My passion has always been with the Fun Taverns, and though I will not continue AI development I may occasionally release some maps on my blog with old heroes and/or original creations, so feel free to visit and leave comments for me here.Thanks for the fun times guys!

But it seems GoD-Tony won't accept BuffMePlz offer though he has a condition that if some developers would team up on DotA AI creation then that would be the time he would change his mind.

God-Tony refused to continue DotA AI development

Taking this blog in a slightly different direction, I'll write a bit about my thoughts on DotA AI and the retirement of BuffMePlz.

I recently received an email from BMP informing me of his decision, as well as his offer of general guidance to lead my own AI project. My first reaction was "Why didn't I get an email like this sooner?"

I believe that if an AI project had been worked together by a team of people, then it wouldn't have come down to this. It's really too much to take on by one person.

The idea of posting my Pre-Alpha builds of RGB's AI for the newest version at the time was to spark some interest in development in an otherwise dead scene. I knew BMP wasn't interested in wasting his time with people that thought they "could help" but couldn't do anything other than offer another opinion. This was a way of proving that there were certainly people interested in helping, myself and Cipd included

That was almost a year ago when my interest for developing AI was at it's peak, and when I received no response regarding those maps, I moved on to the next idea. This was to create an Open AI for DotA that could be ported to the latest version almost instantly, and Open in the sense that it would be very easy for others to contribute (especially open source)

Even though I completed the code-base for this project, it still needed some real AI to go along with it. This was back in January, and once again with no response or input from the ones I contacted, and the continuation of BMPs' ports of RGBs' maps, I decided that it was a wasted effort.

What I'm getting at here is that it's basically too little too late. I believe DotA for Warcraft 3 is near it's death. With Heroes of Newerth released just days ago, Starcraft 2 coming out this year, and the possibility of IceFrog moving on to Valve, by the time I created a decent AI, DotA would be on a different platform.

I don't see myself working on an AI for DotA now or in the future, and the only way I could see this changing is if some very ambitious developers came forward and teamed up as it should be done.
read more »»» DotA AI Map Creator, BuffMePlz Retires!

Skillhackers WUtil Maphack

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, May 17, 2010


* Reveal units
* Remove fog (full or partitial)
* Manabars
* TP-reveal
* Safe-Click
* Reveal abilitys of enemy units.
* Different hp-bar color for non-own units.
* Show move speed of hero units in tooltip
* Press tab to show player resources box.
* Ingame maphack settings menu (Game menu --> Options --> Maphack)
* Anti-Detection code
How To:
* Extract all files from the zip archive to your Warcraft root directory.
* Close Warcraft if already running
* Run WUtil_Loader.exe and wait until Warcraft 3 launches.

Can I get banned for using this?

Currently not. There is some code to hide the hack from Warden. But as always, I can't guarantee anything so use it on your own risk.

It is intended to work only with newest official Warcraft client on Battle.net. So no support for Garena or similar.
Downloads :

read more »»» Skillhackers WUtil Maphack

[Updated] Garena Cracked By TDT_

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, May 14, 2010

He was the last version released GarenaHack: 5.28 *!

This new version works only with the new update is not Garena cqccyh resources.

Entire message bet cqccyh damage has been corrected a mistake, opening the main window of the delay.

Updated only hack update links (UO Easy-Share 4shared SendSpace).

Hi all CYA.

* PS: I dismiss 5:27 but after a while I noticed that an updated version I have is 5.28.

These words are the same TDT_

read more »»» [Updated] Garena Cracked By TDT_

Dota 6.68 | DotA Allstars 6.68 Map Download

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dota Allstars 6.68 is the upcoming map with new heroes like Icarus the Phoenix to whom Icefrog didn't state any much specific details. We expect that DotA Allstars 6.68 will have more balancing on items and to its overall gameplay. Or maybe DotA Allstars 6.68 will have a different kind of hero that we don't really expect. But no matter what happened DotA Allstars 6.68 will always be the most anticipated DotA map to all DotA fanatics out there. Click here to download DotA 6.68.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

DotA 6.69 was released

DotA  Allstars 6.68 Map Download

Q: When will we hear more about you and Valve? Some people say it will take 2-3 years, can you give us any clues? (from Zeyall)

A: It certainly won't take that long. There are a lot of very talented people here at Valve that are working hard on it every day to ensure high quality in a timely manner. We'll be making an announcement soon actually, and based on the feedback I've been getting since the last mention, I'm sure you all will be as excited as I am.

Q: Can you tell us how you first met Valve and how you like it so far? (from Sodoes)

A: It started off with an email from Valve where they mentioned that they were big fans of DotA wanted to fly me out to spend some time with them and visit their studio. I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the trip. After arriving and chatting with them, the first thing I noticed was how much of their decision making process was like mine. They shared the same aspirations towards building a long term and sustainable community without having short sighted business goals that end up hurting the quality of the game. One of the most important things for me though was that there wasn't going to be anyone standing above telling me how I should be doing things. They trust the developers that have experience to make the best decisions for their playerbase. The atmosphere at Valve allows everyone to be very comfortable and able to focus on what they love doing. It also doesn't hurt that they are huge DotA fans.. until their favorite heroes are nerfed, then I'm the bad guy for a week!

Q: How popular is DotA these days? (from china_white)

A: I can only give estimates based on getdota.com usage, because I can't track ingame downloads or fansites or downloads from China. It is roughly estimated (based on the statistics from popular Chinese sites) that the Chinese DotA audience is about 40-50% of the worldwide audience. Not counting China, the playerbase is estimated to be somewhere between 7-11 million. I expect the audience to grow even more in the not too distant future.

Q: Is your goal to make everything picked the same amount of times? (from j.walsh)

A: I don't think about it that way exactly. Sure it's good if there is a nice distribution and that is something to work towards, but really the goal in DotA's development is, first and foremost, to make the gameplay quality the best it can be. It is the combination of all the heroes, items and mechanics together that makes DotA what it is and not the individual elements alone. Sometimes that means certain things are carefully adjusted to be more frequent than others, sometimes it doesn't, but ultimately the main judge of a game's quality is not in some artificial balance metric, but in the overall gameplay quality and depth that it has.

Q: Can you tell us something about 6.68? (from Carlos)

A: It is still a work in progress and needs some time, but it will have new heroes, more balance improvements, and some new features as well. Here is one of the new heroes in development: Icarus, the Phoenix

Q: What do you think about DotA's future, will it continue to grow? (from Amir)

A: Definitely. I think players like to spend their time on something they both enjoy and trust. While DotA has a lot to offer now in terms of content and gameplay quality, I will always be working hard to improve it and all that work will be maintained when it matures to something that solves all the other non-gameplay elements that it needs to go to the next level. I think it is a good option for players that want to spend time on a game that will grow with them. It also has a very bright future in the competitive scene. In addition to the already announced SMM ($32,000), ESWC ($24,500), a soon to be announced online ($30,000) event and another huge offline event that will be revealed soon, there will also be an even bigger set of opportunities in the future for players that are dedicating their time and energy into DotA. I think players on all levels of play will be satisfied with their choice and experience with the game.

Q:Why are some heroes unavailable in -CM mode? (from Brandom Lim)

A: It is a largely experimental idea so it may or may not remain for the future. There are a lot of different reasons for it though. In some cases it's balance or bug-potential related. Other times it is done to limit the number of simultaneous changes so that certain changes can be more easily measured. In a lot of cases where the above aren't a factor, it is actually done to give enough opportunity for players to understand how to play with and against them and understand the strengths and weaknesses better. This also makes new versions less destabalizing for competitive gaming while still providing a continuous stream of fresh content. That being said though, I've gotten a lot of requests from players that use the mode for casual or semi-competitive play and miss omitted heroes, so I may add a subcommand to unlock all.

Q: What do you think about the fan support of competitive teams? (from Mooseman)

A: Fan support is, for the most part, very good. I think it's great how passionate many of them are about competitive DotA. At times, though, some of them can be a little too judgmental towards teams based on their last few consecutive wins or losses. They have a lot of pressure on them and sometimes they make mistakes or just want to relax and try something different. I don't think it is always fair to judge them for that. They also face top competition regularly, so its hard to win every time. Teams have a lot of pride and spend a lot of time practicing, so it can be demoralizing to them when some fans change their attitudes towards them so fast.

Q: Are we going to see more visual effects in the future? (from Zikaro)

A: Visual upgrades can be a good thing (and they will come in the future) but is extremely important to not add too much visual noise. You want a scene that has a nice atmosphere and theme but isn't too cluttered or shiny that it negatively affects gameplay by making it hard to tell what is going on.

Q: Should we expect to see any more loadscreens by Kunkka? (from 27302)

A: Yes, he is planning a new one now, but I can't tell you when it will be done since it depends on his free time.

Q: Do you use WC3 Editor by itself or other things as well? (from Sasha200)

A: Most of the map development is done outside of the editor actually. There are a lot of separate script files and program tools that are used together to create the map file.

Q: Any interesting bugs or features that were in beta maps? (from OpyyuRDs)

A: We once had a different ability for Techies that used the same visual art and sound effects from starcraft one for the ghost nuke. When he used it, a red indicator would appear on the ground like in Starcraft and then it would play the classic "Nuclear Launch Detected" audio. It sounded a lot cooler than it played out in practice and it was near the end of a beta cycle and had some balancing and design issues, so we decided to remove it instead of rush it in. As far as bugs go, Chaos Knight could pull towers in one beta version, so you were able to have a line of towers pushing on the enemy side!

Q: Will more heroes get an Aghanim upgrade to their ultimate? (from Akder)

A: Yea, I usually try to add some more every version or two. I think it's a good idea to add them in slowly though, instead of too many at once. I've also gotten more requests for extra graphic animations for the ones that already have, so I'll try to find suitable ones for those as well.

Q: What is the hardest part when developing dota? What risks are there? (from Bannion)

A: The hardest part is actually not the development itself, but in how to measure success. The thing I always try to work on the most is increasing the measurability/prediction of a successful patch. The goal is to be able to improve the development process and feedback systems for better accuracy to what reasonates best with players. The riskiest thing is making a change where it might take too long to discover its true impacts on the game where it becomes hard to reverse. We work really hard to eliminate that stuff early on in the theory phase with either careful analysis or specific beta testing.

Q: How do you decide when to release a new patch? (from VinceX)

A: There are two separate considerations for this. The first is frequency. If you update too frequently players do not get a chance to settle into the previous changes and learn the game, if you update too slowly then you aren't providing enough fresh content. It is a balance between the two that I'm always trying to find a happy medium between as I get more feedback from players. The second is when it's "ready". I usually release it as soon as I feel that the value we get out of more internal testing is too low compared to external feedback we'd get from the larger community. If we are still in the experimenting phase where we are trying out ideas then it's not ready. Once it feels like it needs external testing to be able to make more good decisions, then it is released. From my perspective, the game is in constant development and improvement regardless, it just becomes a matter of what is the most effective way to improve something.

Q: What takes the most time each patch? Researching, Balancing, Implementing or Bug Hunting? (from Enders)

A: The two most time consuming are usually research and experimentation. Research involves more than just playing the game, it's also watching replays, reading a wide range of feedback and talking with players. Experimentation is the other time consuming part. It would be fast to just reproduce a patch if I already knew exactly what to do, but the hard part is usually figuring out what you want to do and doing the proper testing before making changes.

Q: What are you most happy about with regards to DotA? (from Artem)

A: I am really thankful for all the support players have given this game, it is more than I could ask for. I see a vibrant community that, despite the very hard learning curve DotA has, grows through the dedication and passion of its players. That shows me how much more potential the game has and encourages me to work harder.
read more »»» Dota 6.68 | DotA Allstars 6.68 Map Download

[Dota] MeepoBot v1.1

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, May 10, 2010

Good. Since many users can not use a written AlexandertheGreat MeepoBot recode decided.

Well, I have a little problem with my code, so I, the two works (you choose between them must, for the review.).

So far I have taken a search engine such decisions:
1024 * 768
1280 * 1024

Resolutions, which are under construction:
640 * 480
20 * 576
800 * 600
1152 * 864
1280 * 960

WC3 Top / bots (- Links to Configuration>)
Bot Home / WC3 (-> set of keys)
Join games
Press the key combination


I hope all these resolutions, a way to add bot to be found will be selected against.
Excuse me a moment.

So far, I hope you offered.
If you have questions or problems, please send this thread in this context.

Sincerely, Tracky
Enjoy .
read more »»» [Dota] MeepoBot v1.1

Ladder DropHack v 0.3d

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Sunday, May 9, 2010

by MyGarena

only 1.24
Warcraft III-E, or 1.24 1.24D
Garena (3.3 or 4.0 works GarenaM4ST3)

If you want to install

1 - Make sure Garena closed and Warcraft
2 - Click on the drop-hack - MYGarena.Co.CC.rar "
3 - u 2 and the files garena.exe war3.exe
4 - Bad garena.exe ur Garena folder
5 - ur war3.exe bath for a target folder of Warcraft

-How does it work?

1 - NO in Garena Warcraft
2 - u, if the game just opens Drophack
3 - (most), click on the name of the tire

* All pull the ladder does not work

1.24DR * Works 02/24/2010

- "Kick Push is not working at all levels.
Make sure that the backup and WC3 War3Hook.dll Garena is, and if you hack for fun, want to ".
Downloads :

read more »»» Ladder DropHack v 0.3d

[DETECTED][1.24e] FunsDotaHack v1.2

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey guys,

So here is my hack for 1.24e.

Everything should be explained by itself.
Just extract the archive to some folder and run FunsDotAHack_v1.2.exe

Don´t forget to press dropbnet botton!

I really need feedbacks, since this wasn´t tested very wide -> there may be issues.
So write exactly what is working and what not and dont forget to mention your OS.

Please dont write comments like "thx sooo niccee" just press Thanks if you like it

I don´t have so much time at the moment, writing a bunch class tests -.-´
So when i got time i will make this thread more detailed with some pics and visual changes.

read more »»» [DETECTED][1.24e] FunsDotaHack v1.2

DotA 6.68 New Heroes

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.68 New Heroes - There are new heroes on upcoming DotA 6.68. Yes is a simple answer from Icefrog himself. One person asked him this - "Are there any new heroes coming in 6.68?", Icefrog plainly answered - "Yes"... Look at the image below and see for yourself. We are all excited to this great news, and we'll strive harder so all of you we'll be kept updated. Click here to download DotA 6.68.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

DotA 6.69 was released

Subscribe to us using the form below and be the first to receive the latest release and downloads of DotA 6.68 map. Don't forget to press Facebook button and let your friends read this great news.

Question to all of you... What do you think the name of the hero(es) and abilities they would have?. Please leave us your comments.

Dota 6.68 New Heroes


DotA 6.68 Preview #2 - Item, CM, and Tiny

DotA 6.68 2nd Preview - As we draw near to the release date of DotA 6.68, Icefrog posted 6.68 Preview #2 which shows us a new item called Orb of Venom, a Captains Mode, Tiny with a new ability, and Kinetic Field, an ability on one of the new heroes. Icefrog...

DotA 6.68 Preview #1 - Gold Mechanic
Dota 6.68, Gold Mechanic Preview - Along with new heroes coming, a new gold mechanic is being introduced on DotA 6.68. Golds are divided into two groups namely 'Reliable Gold' and 'Unreliable Gold'. Both golds are consumable to buy items but these golds...

DotA 6.68 New Heroes Preview
DotA 6.68 New Heroes Preview is it for real? Well, you decide whether this DotA 6.68 new heroes preview is authentic. Carefully check the image details of DotA 6.68 new heroes preview. Also consider these some notes regarding this image which showcased...
read more »»» DotA 6.68 New Heroes

DotA 6.68 Map Latest Release

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.68 Map Latest Release - This a dedicated page for DotA 6.68 Map. One thing is for sure, Dota 6.68 have new heroes. So keep visiting this page or subscribe to us and be updated. Don't forget to press Facebook button and let your friends read this great news.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

Question to all of you... What do you think would be the name of the hero(es) and abilities they would have?. Please leave us your comments below.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

DotA 6.69 was released

Download DotA 6.68 Map | DotA Allstars v6.66.w3x

Update: Watch DotA 6.68 Video Trailer

  • DotA 6.68 new heroes.
    Icarus the Phoenix and Ragnar the Kodo.
  • New Gold Sytem
    Reliable Gold - Any bounty you get from hero kills or from the extra "aoe kill gold" bonus (feature from few patches ago) is added to your Reliable Gold pool.
    Unreliable Gold - It is everything else (creep kills, neutrals, etc).

Download link:
DotA 6.68 Map (coming soon)


DotA 6.68 Status Update
Icefrog is doing all he can on DotA 6.68 and their planning to release a video showing off he's latest creation. DotA 6.68 has new heroes coming their way and they were all "high quality" heroes. Well, we expect more things to come and great features and enhancements. Visit Dota 6.68 download page for the latest release of DotA 6.68 Map. read more...

DotA AI Map Creator, BuffMePlz Retires!
DotA AI Map Creator BuffMePlz - For two years since the release of Dota Allstars 6.49 AI map, BuffMePlz finally decided not to continue AI development due to work load and responsibilites. We all have seen the great phenomenon DotA AI Maps had created and how many fans worldwide have been anticipated by the features and heroes on every release of. read more...

Dota 6.68 | DotA Allstars 6.68 Map Download
Dota Allstars 6.68 is the upcoming map with new heroes like Icarus the Phoenix to whom Icefrog didn't state any much specific details. We expect that DotA Allstars 6.68 will have more balancing on items and to its overall gameplay. Or maybe DotA Allstars. read more...
read more »»» DotA 6.68 Map Latest Release

Dota 6.67 AI Map Latest Download

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dota 6.67 AI Map - Dota Allstar 6.67 AI Map will soon be released courtesy of BuffMePlz-BMP. He is finalizing the Dota 6.67 Allstars AI Map so it would be ready for download. But the good news is, DotA 6.67b AI Map was finally released and DotA 6.67c Map was also released so get your copy now.

Update: DotA 6.69c AI Beta is now ready for download. Get your copy now.

If you want to be the first to receive an update about Dota 6.67 AI, then enter your email here.

You may subscribe to our RSS or follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK to get the latest updates and downloads of Dota 6.67 AI.

Update: Watch DotA 6.68 Video Trailer

DotA 6.67b AI First Release
DotA 6.67b AI Second Release
DotA 6.67b AI Third Release
DotA 6.67b AI Fourth Release
DotA 6.67b AI Fifth Release

Update: DotA 6.68c ai map will be released soon by PleaseBugMeNot..

Update: DotA 6.69 was released

You may also want to visit this page DotA 6.66b Map which is the stable current released DotA Map.

Lets all support BMP for all his effort on building Dota 6.67 AI Map.

Due to recent retirement of BuffMePlz, Harreke, the new DotA AI developer will continue the tasks left by BMP. We are expecting DotA 6.67c AI map to be released by this June.

Keep visiting this page to get the latest DotA AI map.

Update: June 25, 2011, DotA 6.71b AI Map was released and available in 3 languages EN, RU and BR. Please visit DotA 6.71b AI download page to get your copy of DotA 6.71b AI map.


New DotA AI Developer is Harreke, Thanks BMP
Harreke will continue building DotA AI and expects to release DotA 6.67c AI soon. As we all know that BuffMePlz has retired on DotA AI creation and God-Tony refused to be a successor on DotA AI development. But thanks to BMP he never left us alone, he found Harreke which in past has been researching AI map technologies. Icefrog statement regarding. read more...

DotA 6.68 Status Update
Icefrog is doing all he can on DotA 6.68 and their planning to release a video showing off he's latest creation. DotA 6.68 has new heroes coming their way and they were all "high quality" heroes. Well, we expect more things to come and great features and enhancements. Visit Dota 6.68 download page for the latest release of DotA 6.68 Map. read more...

DotA AI Creator, BuffMePlz Retires
DotA AI Map Creator BuffMePlz - For two years since the release of Dota Allstars 6.49 AI map, BuffMePlz finally decided not to continue AI development due to work load and responsibilites. We all have seen the great phenomenon DotA AI Maps had created and how many fans worldwide have been anticipated by the features and heroes on every release of... read more

Icarus the Phoenix
Dota Allstars 6.68 is the upcoming map with new heroes like Icarus the Phoenix to whom Icefrog didn't state any much specific details. We expect that DotA Allstars 6.68 will have more balancing on items and to its overall gameplay. Or maybe DotA Allstars 6.68 will have a different kind of hero that we don't really expect. But no matter what happened DotA Allstars 6.68 will always be the most anticipated DotA map to all DotA fanatics out there. read more...

Update as of March 22, 2010...
Been pretty busy with work and stuff recently, haven't really done much on script development. Played a bit with some fun heroes though, we'll see if any of them make it in for the next version. =P

Don't see work letting up anytime soon for the next month and a half. Even if a new DotA version comes out before then I wouldn't expect a new AI version for a while. =/

Update as of April 8, 2010...
Absolutely swamped, likely won't have time until June to even look at the maps and script. I've been getting the changes from IceFrog and will update to whatever version is recent when I have time, but don't expect anything for at least two months.

Download links:
DotA 6.67b AI Map Fourth Release mirror 1. see details
DotA 6.67b AI Map Fourth Release mirror 2.
DotA 6.67b AI Map Third Release mirror 1. see details
DotA 6.67b AI Map Third Release mirror 2.
DotA 6.67b AI Map Second Release mirror 1. see details
DotA 6.67b AI Map Second Release mirror 2.
DotA 6.67b AI Map First Release mirror 1. see details
DotA 6.67b AI Map First Release mirror 2.
Dota 6.67c AI Map Download (coming soon)
Dota 6.68 AI Map Download (coming soon)
See all available DotA AI Map
read more »»» Dota 6.67 AI Map Latest Download

Dota 6.67c Map Latest Release

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Dota 6.67c Map is the latest Dota map which is now ready for you to download. Carefully read the changelogs portion to give you a brief details on what to expect on this Dota 6.67c Map Latest Release. Expect of some changes like Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip, and performance improvements when casting The Swarm.

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

Update: Dota 6.68 Finally released

  • Fixed casting distance exploits with Skewer
  • Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause everyone in the game gets a massive FPS drop for a minute
  • Fixed Cleave/Anchor Smash from instantly killing Swarm creatures
  • Various performance improvements when casting The Swarm
  • Fixed Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip
  • Non-hero units now do half damage to The Swarm
  • Commands like -test and -wtf are now restricted if there is a gamebot deciding the mode to be used
  • Fixed a bug with lifesteal and The Swarm creatures
  • Fixed a rare Mac issue with shared Soul Ring
  • Added passive icon for Strygyer's Thirst
  • Added passive icon for Plague

Download link
Dota 6.67c Map (DotA Allstars v6.67c.w3x)
read more »»» Dota 6.67c Map Latest Release

Frozen Throne Patch Download for Windows and Mac

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Get and download the latest Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Patch for Windows and Mac, with all the features you're looking for can be found here.

keywords: download warcraft 3 frozen throne patch dota blizzard

As of today frozen throne patch are as follows:
120e-121a, 121a-121b, 121a, 121b-122a, 121b, 122a-123a, 122a, 123a-124a, 123a, 124a-124b, 124a, 124b-124c, 124b, 124c-124d, 124c, 124d, 124e

Note: Link below will direct you to blizzard page, if it doesn't load, just continously press 'Refresh' button on your browser until the Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne patch download starts. Good luck and enjoy!!!

PC Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Patch

2835616 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Castellano.exe
2842175 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Cesky.exe
2824172 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Chinese_Simp.exe
2829380 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Chinese_Trad.exe
2841384 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Deutsch.exe
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2836534 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Polski.exe
2853701 bytes War3TFT_120e_121a_Russian.exe
958371 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Castellano.exe
962473 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Cesky.exe
947937 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Chinese_Simp.exe
950529 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Chinese_Trad.exe
963421 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Deutsch.exe
809769 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_English.exe
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957223 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Polski.exe
971715 bytes War3TFT_121a_121b_Russian.exe
60557952 bytes War3TFT_121a_Castellano.exe
63163599 bytes War3TFT_121a_Cesky.exe
53690720 bytes War3TFT_121a_Chinese_Simp.exe
53717831 bytes War3TFT_121a_Chinese_Trad.exe
60578470 bytes War3TFT_121a_Deutsch.exe
53026744 bytes War3TFT_121a_English.exe
61602243 bytes War3TFT_121a_Francais.exe
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71287773 bytes War3TFT_121a_Polski.exe
64533801 bytes War3TFT_121a_Russian.exe
8074597 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Castellano.exe
8079400 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Cesky.exe
8065223 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Chinese_Simp.exe
8068080 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Chinese_Trad.exe
8079186 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Deutsch.exe
7916556 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_English.exe
8073792 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Francais.exe
8077986 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Italiano.exe
8094844 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Japanese.exe
8069957 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Korean.exe
8074349 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Polski.exe
8090209 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Russian.exe
8069509 bytes War3TFT_121b_122a_Taiwanese.exe
59521470 bytes War3TFT_121b_Castellano.exe
62126798 bytes War3TFT_121b_Cesky.exe
52654012 bytes War3TFT_121b_Chinese_Simp.exe
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59542682 bytes War3TFT_121b_Deutsch.exe
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52704981 bytes War3TFT_121b_Korean.exe
70250721 bytes War3TFT_121b_Polski.exe
63497026 bytes War3TFT_121b_Russian.exe
1916942 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Castellano.exe
1922420 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Cesky.exe
1908160 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Chinese_Simp.exe
1910583 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Chinese_Trad.exe
1921404 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Deutsch.exe
1761767 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_English.exe
1916141 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Francais.exe
1920240 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Italiano.exe
1936782 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Japanese.exe
1912828 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Korean.exe
1916577 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Polski.exe
1932216 bytes War3TFT_122a_123a_Russian.exe
66161774 bytes War3TFT_122a_Castellano.exe
68766690 bytes War3TFT_122a_Cesky.exe
59294834 bytes War3TFT_122a_Chinese_Simp.exe
59321468 bytes War3TFT_122a_Chinese_Trad.exe
66182829 bytes War3TFT_122a_Deutsch.exe
58635007 bytes War3TFT_122a_English.exe
67205807 bytes War3TFT_122a_Francais.exe
66640587 bytes War3TFT_122a_Italiano.exe
59386564 bytes War3TFT_122a_Japanese.exe
59344844 bytes War3TFT_122a_Korean.exe
76891667 bytes War3TFT_122a_Polski.exe
70137958 bytes War3TFT_122a_Russian.exe
59322897 bytes War3TFT_122a_Taiwanese.exe
1436678 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Castellano.exe
1441982 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Cesky.exe
1427553 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Chinese_Simp.exe
1430344 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Chinese_Trad.exe
1441727 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Deutsch.exe
1281527 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_English.exe
1436593 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Francais.exe
1440371 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Italiano.exe
1457096 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Japanese.exe
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1436102 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Polski.exe
1450863 bytes War3TFT_123a_124a_Russian.exe
66260906 bytes War3TFT_123a_Castellano.exe
68866200 bytes War3TFT_123a_Cesky.exe
59394095 bytes War3TFT_123a_Chinese_Simp.exe
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66281928 bytes War3TFT_123a_Deutsch.exe
58733897 bytes War3TFT_123a_English.exe
67305063 bytes War3TFT_123a_Francais.exe
66739594 bytes War3TFT_123a_Italiano.exe
59486138 bytes War3TFT_123a_Japanese.exe
59444116 bytes War3TFT_123a_Korean.exe
76990971 bytes War3TFT_123a_Polski.exe
70236954 bytes War3TFT_123a_Russian.exe
945076 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Castellano.exe
950167 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Cesky.exe
935487 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Chinese_Simp.exe
937646 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Chinese_Trad.exe
952783 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Deutsch.exe
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948271 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Italiano.exe
965258 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Japanese.exe
942677 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Korean.exe
944371 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Polski.exe
959948 bytes War3TFT_124a_124b_Russian.exe
66305439 bytes War3TFT_124a_Castellano.exe
68910776 bytes War3TFT_124a_Cesky.exe
59438469 bytes War3TFT_124a_Chinese_Simp.exe
59465070 bytes War3TFT_124a_Chinese_Trad.exe
66327082 bytes War3TFT_124a_Deutsch.exe
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66784239 bytes War3TFT_124a_Italiano.exe
59530962 bytes War3TFT_124a_Japanese.exe
59488367 bytes War3TFT_124a_Korean.exe
77035283 bytes War3TFT_124a_Polski.exe
70281767 bytes War3TFT_124a_Russian.exe
910653 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Castellano.exe
916054 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Cesky.exe
900758 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Chinese_Simp.exe
902813 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Chinese_Trad.exe
915396 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Deutsch.exe
755122 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_English.exe
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913902 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Italiano.exe
930168 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Japanese.exe
905884 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Korean.exe
910138 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Polski.exe
924717 bytes War3TFT_124b_124c_Russian.exe
66303061 bytes War3TFT_124b_Castellano.exe
68908503 bytes War3TFT_124b_Cesky.exe
59434584 bytes War3TFT_124b_Chinese_Simp.exe
59461149 bytes War3TFT_124b_Chinese_Trad.exe
66324699 bytes War3TFT_124b_Deutsch.exe
58775382 bytes War3TFT_124b_English.exe
67348211 bytes War3TFT_124b_Francais.exe
66781914 bytes War3TFT_124b_Italiano.exe
59528058 bytes War3TFT_124b_Japanese.exe
59485454 bytes War3TFT_124b_Korean.exe
826025 bytes War3TFT_124c_124d_Castellano.exe
831353 bytes War3TFT_124c_124d_Cesky.exe
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