GarenaCrack V.3.3 (WORKING)

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, July 31, 2009

Here you can use this crack..its undetected..
heres the features

1.Swords of Playing
5.Can leave room even war3 is open
6.Icon hack(WORKS)
13.50xp/basic member 100xp/gold member
14.1st-hacks Skin
18.6 servers now! room joiner
20.ability to flood.

read more »»» GarenaCrack V.3.3 (WORKING)

Mega-GGC EXP Hack v3.31 Full - RI build v3.18

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Wednesday, July 29, 2009

we all know 3.22 server is now offline so ive tried to find some alternative to help this forum

GGC EXP Hack 3:31

Valid for Windows XP, Vista and 7

CustomKick:Choosing which player kikar: ->OK
MapHack (Fog): So the heroes shows enemies on the map ->OK
MapHack: Shows the entire map ->OK
LadderWin: All players will be kikados to win ladder ->OK
RenName: Enter another nickname for you to use in Garena and the game (NOTE: use login before.) ->OK
Hp Bar: This shows the life of everyone in the game ->OK
Mega EXP: Earn much EXP 15 to 50 minutes ->OK
ResHack: Skip to allies GOLD ->OK
FastTP:Quickly back to base in one click ->OK
HackCentre: Hero Icons Distance and Cam Hack ->OK
ToTray: Garena raises the bar on the side of the clock ->OK

- Removed the entry for the public-private version and now it is private only version
- Fixed bug when updating
- Removed CostomLadderLvl because it did not work
- Removed advertising in Garena_hack
- Removed auto-hack, because the meaning of your swing, there will be a paid version
- No palitsya in Garena (& Garena Ladder) for which you are not prohibited.
- Added the ability to leave the room playing a game
- Open units
- Opens for units minikarte
- Removes the fog (open all map)
- Remove the fog in the mini-map (opens a set minikartu)
- Clickable units
- Opens the resources
- See the Invisible
- Prevents Dota-ah


I have downloaded it and reuploaded it to check for any virus
found no virus


read more »»» Mega-GGC EXP Hack v3.31 Full - RI build v3.18

Garena Hack [-Xtreme-] v4.0 + Mega EXP Xtreme

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, July 27, 2009

This is cqccyh Garena Hack 3.31 Cracked By: Exodia619 AkA. ChaoSlasher69

Garena Hack [-Xtreme-] v4.0 + Mega EXP Plugin Xtreme!


- Better MEGA EXP Plugin With Additional EXP Gain!
- Optimized
- New UI
- And Many More!

Don't Forget To Press Thanks!


1) I can't connect help! - Change The Server
2) Cant connect again - Change The UDP Port Ex. 1514.1515.1516 And So on..
read more »»» Garena Hack [-Xtreme-] v4.0 + Mega EXP Xtreme

GGC EXP Hack v 3.30 Full (mega exp)

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, July 25, 2009

ok guys i found this russian hack on the net
it has sth like garenahack's megaexp plugin,i didnt test this
i dont think this crack has any virus or scam part,cuz the poster of this thread was a vip member on that site with too many posts.

Russian :

* - Переделан MegaEXP - теперь снова два режима!
* - Переделан EXP.exe (Теперь запускать надо его и оттуда навигацию осуществлять)
* - Исправлен баг с иногдашним невиденьем хостов!
* - Исправлены баги с выкидыванием из румы
* - Теперь экспа даётся всегда и гораздо больше!
* - Увеличен размер файла(это временно)

PS: отнынене сборки хака будут выходить мини-патчера

(Чтобы не качать всю сборку мы приняли такое решение))

Так что теперь обязательно иметь при себе EXP v 3.30

FAQ по запуску:

1 - Запускаем EXP.exe
a - Старт ME ( нажимае "Подготовка" потом "Старт" )
После того как запустится AGHS.exe (окошко мега экспы) закрываете гарену и продолжаете делать то что написано ниже!
b - Нажимаем GGC EXP GO ( там запускаем 1,2,3,4,5,6 - после может
выскачить ошибка! Неважно перезапускаем прогу(Если у вас выскакивает ошибка по нажатию на 6 то после перезапуска программы опять войдите в GGC EXP GO и нажми на кнопку с буквой Z)
c - Запускаем Старт Garena Hack ну и Всё.
Да и еще о мега експе ......
Итак начать думаю стоит с двух режимов мега экспа?!
1 - режим даёт много опыта,но шанс его получить равняется около 45%!
если не даётся опыт то не расстраивайтесь просто выберайте второй мод.
2 - Он даёт на 20% меньше опыта чем первый но зато 100%(Внимание! Даёт только в том случае если у вас не пошел первый мод)
3 - Я пробовал первый и второй способ но экспа не идёт!
Итак основные проблемы этого:
A - не запущена гарена
B - не правильно ввели UID
C - Опыт даётся не сразу,иногда надо перезайти в гарену
D - Для басиков опыт даётся через 45 минут,для голдов через 15 минут.
Автор хака : Der_SySLIK (или Суслик )

English :

* - Rewritten MegaEXP - now again two modes!
* - Rewritten EXP.exe (now need to run it, and then navigate to implement)
* - Fixed bug with inogdashnim nevidenem hosts!
* - Fixed bugs with vykidyvaniem of Romania
* - Now the expo gives all and much more!
* - Increased the size of the file (this time)

PS: otnynene assembly will hack out a mini-patchera

(In order not to rock the entire assembly, we took such a decision))

So it is now required to bring with you EXP v 3.30

FAQ on the launch:

1 - Run EXP.exe
a - Start ME (click on "Training" then "Start")
After the start AGHS.exe (box mega expo) close garenu and continue to do what is written below!
b - Push GGC EXP GO (there run 1,2,3,4,5,6 - after may
vyskachit mistake! Whether restart прогу (If you выскакивает mistake by pressing 6 after restarting the program again, please log in GGC EXP GO and click on the button with the letter Z)
c - Run Start Garena Hack well and all.
And even on mega Expo ......
So I think to start with the two regimes is a mega expo!
1 - mode makes a lot of experience, but a chance to get it is around 45%!
if not given the experience you will not be upset simply choose the second mod.
2 - It provides up to 20% less experience than the first but 100% (Note: Gives only if you have not walked in the first mod)
3 - I tried the first and the second method but the expo is not!
So the main problem of this:
A - did not start garena
B - not entered correctly UID
C - Experience is not given immediately, sometimes it is necessary to perezayti garenu
D - Basic experience in order to give 45 minutes to Gold in 15 minutes.
Author hack: Der_SySLIK (or gopher)
read more »»» GGC EXP Hack v 3.30 Full (mega exp)

canceL crack GARENA 3.03

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

hello im new on this site...and i come with a crack ^^ a little hack for you
hope you like it all :)
1) removed 5 sec wait
2) garena maphack protection bypassed, all previous maphacks are undetected!
3) Multi-Client - To gain more exp by opening 6 garena...Supported!
4) Shows Real and Virtual ips... in player profile when u click a user in room
5) Shows exact pings in the room, removed bars!
6) exp = basic 100/gold 200 /15 mins
hope you all enjoy it . If you have problems with this crack, DO NOT open new threads asking for help with this crack. All help must be asked here, in this thread related with this crack.
download = here
read more »»» canceL crack GARENA 3.03

Garena $$Metal$$ EXP hack Beta 1.0 +mega exp

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, July 23, 2009

hi,today im going to give u guys my new made hack $$Metal$$ EXP features:

1- Cracked The Wc3Ladder to display ~> Level,Disconnects,Win,Loss etc
2- You Can Leave Room While Playing
3- Can Use Map Hack (Shadow French,Tyrano,Etc..)
4- Better Tunnel & AntiSpike
5- Can Use Any Hack
6- Can Enter Ladder Rooms
7- Can Enter In Hacked Protected Rooms
8- No 5 Secs. Waiting
9- Not Detected By Garena
10- Ability To Multi-Client
11- maphack included
12-10 cool skins by 1st-hacks
13-50-100/15min (basic)100-200 (gold)
14-MegaEXP v0.1(italian)
15-20 servers some might not work but 10 servers 100% working
16-invite members to clan even if basic member
17-chat with users even if they block chat owned
18-no update
-And Many More!
cridets go to : for the skins
hacker~team for the hack (its my user in GG-client)
here are the download links dont forget to run as vista
read more »»» Garena $$Metal$$ EXP hack Beta 1.0 +mega exp

Guide to become free GM using Dark Orbit

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Ok guys. Everyone is asking how do this so I will show you how its done before everyone makes a thread for asking this.
First of all thanks to The Boss and mkdtop for telling us how its done.
Maybe there are other ways but this is the way how I have done it and it worked without problems.
1.)You need a russian IP. Use russian proxyservers which can be found here
Russian Federation Open Proxy List and make a new garena account and set your country to russia.

2.)Download the russian garena.

3.)Now login using your new account and the first game on the top should be Dark Orbit. Choose it and you will see 3 buttons.The big red one in the middle starts the game. The other one to the left gives the GM. The one to the right isnt important.

Dark Orbit is a big browser game and the system of it is a bit complicated. But the most important thing is that you can lvl up and thats how you become GM. lvl 1 gives you 3days, lvl 2 gives you 1 week and so on...(I´m lvl 2 at the moment so my GM lasts until 31.07.09)

The only ****** thing is that the whole game is on russian. But I solved the problem like this. I googled Dark Orbit and saw the game is available on many languages and that was they key. I made a new account on Browser games ? more than 20 million people play DarkOrbit! and started playing with it parallel with the russian one in garena. Easier: I played Dark Orbit on the german version and did the same thing later with the russian one. It´s 100% the same.

I dont want to explain how the game works so just read the rules. All I can say is if you want to lvl up you have to do the quests. You will need 20-30 min to understand it a bit.

4.)So how do you get your GM. After you played it a bit just close the game and press the button wich is left from the big red button. A russian message will appear. Use Google Translate to translate it. Usually it say something like you got gold member for X days or some kind of error message. If that´s the case just start the game again, close it and press the GM button. If you dont get any error message, relog and check if it works. So everytime you lvl up in the game do this step to extend your GM.

And that´s it. It seems very complicated because of all that text but it´s very easy. The difficult part is to play the game. It´s horrible the first minutes because you dont know what to do. But once you mastered that you won´t have any problems anymore.
Good Luck
read more »»» Guide to become free GM using Dark Orbit

Garena Extreme(Special Edition)

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Sunday, July 19, 2009


This is not v1.4 of M0therSorr'sCrack its just special edition

Maphack(1.23)(HAS A BACKUP)
-Maphack(1.22)(HAS A BACKUP
-Enable all icons*
-MapHack Detector Bybass
-You can now use OLD MAPHACKS!
-Swords Of playing
-Ladder Win

-Super Admin
-Custom Ladder Lvl
-Multi Clan
-Can invite anyone to clan(EVEN YOUR ONLY A MEMBER)
-No 5 secs
-No Advertisment
-Higlited Text(BLUE)
-Dota keys
-CustoM Kick
-Can leave room without exiting war3
-Icon Hack(i didnt try)
-AutoRoom Joiner(NEW)(WORKS)

-Extreme DropHack(NEW)
-Extreme Maphacks(NEW)


read more »»» Garena Extreme(Special Edition)

Garena July 16th Update

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, July 17, 2009

Change Log:

Fixed an update issue about Blackshot
Support latest DotA Ladder
Fixed various bugs in Clan System

If you have any problem in this version, kindly post in the Reporting Thread(in garena) so we can fix it asap.

download link :
read more »»» Garena July 16th Update

How To Get Colored Name In Garena

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, July 16, 2009

O.k. So let's get Started!

So when your playing a game in Garena you saw some people has colored names right?

And Their name looks pretty good with the colors ..

people will probably thinks their hacking , well their not their just using color codes ..

and you can get them too , its easy !

Also if you know how to get it but if you want to get other colors , the codes should be in here too . anyway if its not in here you can request it with your post

Read This Before Using It ! :

Read This Before You Wanted To Get Color Names

1 : You might get ban for using color names [ its best to buy gold member to get it ]

2 : i am not responsible for anything [ its not my fault if you got ban and etc ]

3 : Use It At Your Own Risk

4 : Don't Forget to press thanks if i helped you

O.k. Now Here Is How You Get COLORS NAMES !!!!!

First You Need To Pick A Color \ Color Codes

Red \ ff0000

blue \ 0000ff

yellow \ ffff00

black \ 000000

Brown \ 996600

Purple \ 9933ff

teal \ 66ffff

green \ 00ff00

dark green \ 003300

light teal \ ccffff

light yellow \ ffffcc

Dark Brown \ 333300

Dark Red \ 330000

dark blue 000066

and more [ if you need other colors you can request it with your post ]

so after you pick your color
[and again if you don't like any of the colors you can request it with your post]

So After you pick your color \ color names

Go to Garena 's [ main website ] and register for a new Garena accout

This Is How It Should Look :

and then you should click the Register as Garena Member

And Then The Next Step :

You Should Put An Email That You Could Log Into so you could get 500 exp

and for username :

If you selected a colored name

for example : Color Red

ff0000 get the color code first and then

put this lc00 in front of the color code

Example lc00
ff0000 like that

and you have to put something in the front of the lc00 too

like an Dot [ . ] A letter or anything

Example : Mlc00ff0000[name]

Example : if i wanted my name to be mike with red color it should looks like this


the M Won't be showing as red because its the in front of the code so maybe you should put it like this

.lc00ff0000Mike like that

So Mike [ the name ] Will Be the Red but the . [dot] will be normal color

So There you have it ! Your Color Name !

Color Name FAQ :

Why was my name 's color same as other people 's ?? and i did every thing you said .

Its like that , you are not able to view your own color so your color would stay the same but when other players look at your name it would be different

I want some other Colors how do i do that [that isn't in this thread] ?? :

you can request it within your post

How Come I can only put for 4~6 letter for my name ?

Because the max user name space is 15 and the codes its already 10+ so its normal if you have a little space left for your name

Would I get Ban in Garena for doing this :

Maybe , Well I don't know but i am not responsible for anything

Thanks For The Answer Xx_VolcoM_xX

Originally Posted by Xx_VoLcoM_xX View Post
Very Nice!... And dont worry!, Garena dont ban for use color code!...
Im lvl 51 Whit a Red Color Account! and i dont whet banned!:. :D

Now Enjoy Your Color NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have question \ request \ comment post within your post

If I Helped You [ Don't Forget To Press Thanks ]

read more »»» How To Get Colored Name In Garena

Garena Hack updated , ver 3.29 changelog

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, July 13, 2009

Change Log:


1.Improved in game custom kick, now can kick people when u are not at host position(slot1), but u have to be the host

2.In game custom kick now is auto actived when you open war3, also fixed the compatible problem with some pcs

3.fixed thread error with mega exp

4.Now can bypass the anti-hack system in lastest version of VS platform

5.Fixed the problem of anti virus detection

w0ot now can kick ppl without the need of alt tab activate the custom kick.. awesome
read more »»» Garena Hack updated , ver 3.29 changelog

Garena Drophack 0.2b NEW VERSION

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DropHack Garena DOTA Ladder v0.2b


-Warcraft III 1.23.
-Garena any version including any mods.

The instruction on installation:
- Exit from Garena and Warcraft III if they are started.
- Start "Drop Hack Install.exe"
- Follow setup instructions.
- At first step u need to choose a folder where installed your Garena in which you wish to use Drop Hack then press "next"
- Then you must to choose a folder where installed your Warcraft III then press "next"
- Press "Finish".
- If all has passed successfully you will see the message "Installation SUCCESFULL!!" Differently you will see an error with the description of its possible reasons.
- It is not necessary to experiment incorrectly specified directories at installation
- Installation in different folders of garena on one system is admissible.

How it works:
- Run Warcraft III thrue Garena.
- In next 5-10 second after Warcraft III was started drophack window will apear.
- Now you can host a game.
- After you host a game and players join on yours host, in a drop hack window there will be buttons with nick names of these players.
- Pressing the button with player nickname the given player will be kicked from yours host.
- Pressing button "Kick All" will ... you know what will happen

Changes in the new version:
- Works on all systems and on any Garena
- Dynamic tracing of players that allows to use hack not only in DOTA, but also in any other games in which maximum quantity of players is more than 10.
- Possibility "kick all players" is added.
- Fixed small malfunctions which could lead to unstable work of hack.
- Removed support.

Removal and the decision of problems:
- Reinstall Garena so most easier

P.S. About any bugs and offers on improvement of hack please write to mail

Yours faithfully Keetsune.
read more »»» Garena Drophack 0.2b NEW VERSION

Garena Crack 1.3(M0therSorr)

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, July 11, 2009

ive done my garena crack v1.3

Here it is..
-Maphack(1.23)(HAS A BACKUP)
-Maphack(1.22)(HAS A BACKUP
-Enable all icons*
-MapHack Detector Bybass
-You can now use OLD MAPHACKS!
-Swords Of playing
-Ladder Win

-Super Admin
-Custom Ladder Lvl
-Multi Clan
-Can invite anyone to clan(EVEN YOUR ONLY A MEMBER)
-No 5 secs
-No Advertisment
-Higlited Text(BLUE)
-Dota keys
-CustoM Kick

-Can leave room without exiting war3
-Icon Hack(i didnt try)
-AutoRoom Joiner(NEW)(WORKS)
read more »»» Garena Crack 1.3(M0therSorr)

How to by pass updates

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

first look at this picture:

as you can see the garena needs to update and we don't want gareana to update. so this thread will teach you how to by pass garena update. no more update forever

1st step: open your garena folder then open "update.xml by NOTEPAD

2nd step: find the
the number int "update version" is the version of your update. so if the number in the picture is different iin your "update.xml", it's okay because it doesn't matter.

3rd step: change the number in the "update version" by "100" just look at the picture how did i do it

4th step: try to log in.

easy isnt it?
then that's it. now you will learn how to edit files
next you will learn how to crack garena

for those who doesn't want to do this just download the file attached below.

Thank pa3k
read more »»» How to by pass updates

(Updated to ver2.0) Collided Map 6.61&b

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, July 10, 2009

Dota Allstars v6.61 & v6.61b Collided Map Version 2.0 - by Maischoyu

Updates of ver 2.0
- 135 hacks added (11 hidden)
- Auto minimap ping of enemy hero location
- Auto teleport to anywhere
- Teleport other player
- Disable teleporting for certain player or everyone
- Anti Gank
- Hack disabler cmd to others included
- Enemy low-hp detector
- Instant winning
- Instant vanish for enemy hero
- Instant destroy for enemy units
- Summon skill location controllable by mouse
- less dsync & error

Updates of ver 1.0
- 91 hacks added (2 hidden)
- Rune detector
- Tower glymph hack
- Camera zoom

Activate the hack:
Type: -ma[space][space] or -maischoyu

View Hack list:
Type: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9

Special Hack:
Type: -special

Hack List:
-AG Spectral Dagger (Spectre)

-HC Stifling Dagger (Phantom Assassin)

-DW Acid Spray (Alchemist)

-LJQ Goblin`s Greed (Alchemist)

-MB Tombstone (Undying)

-SWL Decay (Undying)

-DZ Epicenter (Sand King)

-AM Weave (Shadow Priest)

-SD Tide Bringer (Admiral Proudmoore)

-HL Torrent (Admiral Proudmoore)

-CZD Ghost Ship (Admiral Proudmoore)

-LHR Nether Strike (Barathum)

-DM1 Static Remnant (Storm Spirit)

-DM2 Electric Vortex (Storm Spirit)

-DMD Ball Lightning (Storm Spirit)

-BNC Charge of darkness ( Barathrum)

-FW Berserker`s Call (Axe)

-GB Bristleback (Bristleback)

-MH Nature`s Attendants (Enchantress)

-TS Diabolic edict (Leshrac)

-HZ Spirit Lance (Phantom Lancer)

-TB Devour (Doom Bringer)

-LP Multi Cast (Ogre Magi)

-SL Inner Vitality (Huskar)

-SJ Track (Bounty Hunter)

-JM Curse of Silent (Silencer)

-SQ Penitence (Holy Knight)

-LL God`s Strength (Sven)

-JD Venomous Gale (Venomancer)

-tf Meat Hook (Pugde)

-DKD Aphotic Shield (Abaddon)

-fhy/n Flesh Heap (Pugde)

-XQE Impale DMG (Nerubian Assassin)

-CXE Impale DMG (Tidehunter)

-SWE Impale DMG (Sand King)

-EME Impale DMG (Lion)

-WWW Wex 'www' (Invoker)

-EEE Exort 'eee' (Invoker)

-WWE Wex & Exort 'wwe' (Invoker)

-WEE Wex & Exort 'wee' (Invoker)

-FXY Shackleshot (Windrunner)

-FXH Windrunner (Windrunner)

-FXD Focus Fire (Windrunner)

-JLL1 Illusory Orb (Puck)

-JLL2 Phase Shift (Puck)

-QWE1 Wex Level (Invoker)

-QWE2 Quas Level (Invoker)

-QWE3 Wex Level (Invoker)

-HN Astral Imprisonment (Destroyer)

-JG AI - Vanish Forever! (Destroyer)

-ZZ Incapacitating Bite (Brood******)

-ZW Spin Web (Brood******)

-W1 Maledict (Witch Doctor)

-TT1 Paralyzing Cask Multihits(Witch Doctor)

-TT2 Paralyzing Cask Stun (Witch Doctor)

-YQ1 Lucent Beam (Moon Rider)

-YQ2 Eclipse DMG ((Moon Rider)

-YQ3 Eclipse Multihits (Moon Rider)

-WY1 Chain Frost DMG (Lich)

-WY2 Chain Frost Duration (Lich)

-ZG1 Refraction Bonus (Templar Assassin)

-ZG2 Refraction Limit (Templar Assassin)

-sll1 Gravekeeper`s Cloak (Visage)

-sll2 Gravekeeper`s Cloak Limit (Visage)

-YM Hunter in the Night (Balanar)

-XH Devour disabled (Doom Bringer)

-Hx Sunder (Soul Keeper)

-DS Nature's Guise (Treant Protector)

-EMS Pulse Nova (Leshrac)

-SWM Death Pulse (Necrolyte)

-JS1 Omnislash DMG (Juggernaut)

-JS2 Omnislash Limit (Juggernaut)

-XK1 Chronosphere (Faceless Void)

-XK2 Time Walk - Invul (Faceless Void)

-FTR Rocket Flare (Clockwerk Goblin)

-XQY Impale Stun (Nerubian Assassin)

-EMY Impale Stun (Lion)

-SWY Impale DMG (Sand King)

-CXY Impale DMG (Tidehunter)

-MED Mystic Snake (Medusa)

-BHT Elune`s Arrow (Priestess of the Moon)

-YNT Leap Distance (Priestess of the Moon)

-BHJ Moonlight Shadow (Priestess of the Moon)

-BHL Starfall (Priestess of the Moon)

-YNJ Leap Level (Priestess of the Moon)

-GF1 Illuminate (Keeper of the Light)

-GF2 Spirit Form (Keeper of the Light)

-GF3 Mana Leak (Keeper of the Light)

-BNW Frostbite (Maiden)

-BND Freezing Field (Maiden)

-JLE Phase Shift (Puck)

-LJY Private Use Only - Locked

-SSG Rage (Naix)

-GSL Open Wounds (Naix)

-GL1 Rupture DMG (Blood)

-GL2 Rupture Duration (Blood)

-DHE Eye of the Storm (Lightning Revenant)

-DHC Static Link (Lightning Revenant)

-BFR FlameBreak (Batride)

-REP Replicate (Morph)

-HOL Black hole (Morph)

-HOL Backstab (Riki)

-set x Kunka Summon Spot

-set h Anti Mage Blink Location

-set a Tiny Throw Location

-set n HolyKnight Summon Spot

-set h Kunka Water Torrent Location

-set y Invoker Location

-set x0 Disable summon on location (Kunka)

-set c0 Disable summon on location (Anti Mage)

-set a0 Disable summon on location (Tiny)

-set n0 Disable summon on location (HolyKnight)

-set h0 Disable summon on location (Kunka Water)

-set y0 Disable summon on location (Invoker)

-IMGOD Instant Winning

-MA Set teleporting for certain player

-MS Instant Kill

-TW Tower Glyph Infinity

-HP Detect low-hp enemy

-LEGIT Turn off all hacks

-ITEM Item Hack (BKB & Satanic)

-RUNE Rune Activator

-Z Camera Zoom 1 - 1200

-NOGANK Anti-attack GANK ! Detect Approaching Enemies

-NOTELE No Teleport
Collided map only works under previous versions of 1.22, 1.21, and 1.20e.

When you are hosting, try to prevent people from downloading this map..

Greets 'n Credits:

Ming (99uxi)
Dan (Integer)
Amanda Christine (Jasser)
Shawn (Jasser)
read more »»» (Updated to ver2.0) Collided Map 6.61&b

Dota Allstars 6.61b Collide map !!

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Activate the hack:
Type: -ma[space][space]

View Hack list:
Type: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7

Hack List:

# = number u like (1 - 999999)
1 = the only number to activate the hack
0 = the only number to activate the hack

Tower GLYMPH infinity

-z #
Zooming (# = 1 - 1000)

Satanic & BKB infinity (Item)

Turn on or off the rune detector

-gold #
Devour gives extra gold (Doom)

-ac #
Acid spray duration adjustable (Alche)

-rt #
Acid multi gold (Alche)

-ru #
Rupture infinity (Blood)

-ru2 #
Rupture damage (Blood)

-speed #
Thirst infinity (Blood) - Private Use Only

-dw #
Weave infinity (Dazzle)

-rep #
Replicate infinity (Morph)

-int #
Int ****ing (Obdisian)

-mb #
Tombstone level increased (Undying)

-str #
Str ****ing (Undying)

-chen #
Penitence lvl (Chen)

-wind #
Focus Fire (Windrunner)

-nova1 0
Pulse nova (Leshrac)

-nova2 #
Diabolic edict (Leshrac)

-kun1 #
Water Sword Cool Down (Kunkka)

-kun2 #
Ghost ship (Kunkka)

-kun3 #
Water torrent (Kunkka)

-nax #
Rage infinity (Naix)

Wound always at lvl 4 (Naix)

-vis1 0
Visage killing amount lvl (Visage)

-vis2 #
Visage dmg lvl increased (Visage)

-mana1 #
Mana leak lvl increased (Keeper of Light)

-hook #
Meat hook lvl increased (Pugde)

-sna #
Mystic snake lvl increased (Medusa)

-chan #
Nature`s Attendants (Enchan)

-hoo #
Shield defend lvl increased (Abadon)

Mirana 4th skill infinity (Mirana)

-para1 #
Paralyzlse Cask Jump Times (Witch)

-para2 0
Paralyzlse Cask lvl (Witch)

Insatiable Hunger infinity (Brood******)

-hole #
Black hole infinity (Enigma)

-wee #
Invoker aaa (Invoker)

-eee #
Invoker bbb (Invoker)

-ccc1 #
Invoker stun times (Invoker)

-ccc2 #
Invoker range (Invoker)

-ccc3 #
Invoker dmg (Invoker)

Backstab infinity (Rikimaru)

-rax #
Razor Storm Of Eyes Lvl (Raxor)

-rax2 #
Razor Static Link (Raxor)

-bra #
FlameBreak lvl (Batride)

Yurnero OmniSlash lvl (Yurnero)

Multi Cast (Ogre Magi)

-bana 0
HunTer Of The Night (Balanar)

-bara #
Nether Strike (Barathum)

-bara2 #
Charge of darkness ( Barathrum)

-silent #
Curse of silent (Silencer)

-holy #
Holy Persuasion (Chen)

-laya #
Refraction (Lanaya)

-puk #
Illusory orb (Puck)

-hus #
Inner Vitality (Huskar)

-sven 1
God`s Strength (Sven)

-void 1
Chronosphere (Faceless Void)

-sand 1
Epicenter (Sand King)

-pha #
Stifling dagger (Phantom Assasin)

-dupe 1
Wall of replica (Dark Seer)

-necro #
Death pulse (Necrolyte)

-clock #
Hookshot (Clockwerk Goblin)

-veno #
venomous gale (Venomancer)

-leap #
Leap (Priestess of the Moon)

-lion1 #
Impale damage (Lion)

-nebu1 #
Impale damage (Neburian)

-tide1 #
Impale damage (Tidehunter)

-snd1 #
Impale damage (Sand King)

-lion2 #
Impale stun (Lion)

-nebu2 #
Impale stun (Neburian)

-tide2 #
Impale stun (Tidehunter)

-snd2 #
Impale stun (Sand King)

-axe #
Berseck's call (Axe)

-pudge #
FleshHeap (Pudge)

-luna1 #
Lucent Beam (Luna)

-luna2 #
Eclipse hit times (Luna)

-luna3 #
Eclipse damage (Luna)

-lich1 #
Chain Frost hit times (Lich)

-lich2 #
Chain Frost damage (Lich)

-gondar1 #
Track times (Gondar)

-gondar2 #
Track lvl (Gondar)

-lancer #
Spirit lance lvl (Phantom Lancer)

-vanish #
Imprisonment - Vanished forever (Astral)

-tree #
Nature`s Guise infinity (Treant Protector)

-maiden #
Freezing field (Crystal Maiden)

-star #
Starfall lvl (Priestess of the Moon)


Rexxar's wild axes becomes useless (it will hook up to him & has no dmg)

Disable Teleporting (effects to everyone)

Disable Abadon's aphotic shield

Kardel's shrapnel has no slow %/DPS effect

Devour gives NO gold (Doom)

-more to come in the next update

This map works under previous version of patch 1.22, 1.21, & 1.20e
Please do not let people download this map ! But join other hoster !
read more »»» Dota Allstars 6.61b Collide map !!

10th July Bypass

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

Here´s they bypass for the 10th of July. Just replace this file with the update.xml in your garena folder.
Note: You dont have to do this if u use Garenahack 3.22


have fun
read more »»» 10th July Bypass

[Release] DotA Allstars v6.61 - Collided Map

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Wednesday, July 8, 2009

[Release] DotA Allstars v6.61 - Collided Map
[Release] DotA Allstars v6.61 - Collided Map Version -

Dota Allstars 6.61 Collided Map Version 1.1 - by Maischoyu

Im jus here to share with you all this wonderful collide map by Maischoyu

Activate the hack:

View Hack list:
-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6

Disable feature:

Hack List
# = number u want (1 - 999999)
0 = zero (do not type any more number or change it !)
1 = same goes as number zero

-t =Tower GLYMPH infinity

-z # =Zooming (# = 1 - 1000)

-item =Satanic & BKB infinity (Item)

-runes =Turn on or off the rune detector

-gold # =Devour gives extra gold (Doom)

-ac # =Acid spray duration adjustable (Alche)

-rt # =Acid multi gold (Alche)

-ru # =Rupture infinity (Blood) <- Please type -ru2 first then -ru !

-ru2 # =Rupture damage (Blood) <- A bit buggy - type 9 for max, if beyond it will back to normal.

-speed =Thirst infinity (Blood) - Private Use Only, sry not for public atm.

-dw # =Weave infinity (Dazzle)

-rep # =Replicate infinity (Morph)

-int # =Int ****ing (Obdisian)

-mb # =Tombstone level increased (Undying)

-str # =Str ****ing (Undying)

-chen # =Penitence lvl (Chen)

-wind # =Focus Fire (Windrunner)

-nova1 0 =Pulse nova (Leshrac)

-nova2 # =Diabolic edict (Leshrac)

-kun1 # =Water Sword Cool Down (Kunkka)

-kun2 # =Ghost ship (Kunkka)

-kun3 # =Water torrent (Kunkka)

-nax # =Rage infinity (Naix)

-wound =Wound always at lvl 4 (Naix)

-vis1 0 =Visage killing amount lvl (Visage)

-vis2 # =Visage dmg lvl increased (Visage)

-mana1 # =Mana leak lvl increased (Keeper of Light)

-hook # =Meat hook lvl increased (Pugde)

-sna # =Mystic snake lvl increased (Medusa)

-chan # =Nature`s Attendants (Enchan)

-hoo # =Shield defend lvl increased (Abadon)

-mirana =Mirana 4th skill infinity (Mirana)

-para1 # =Paralyzlse Cask Jump Times (Witch)

-para2 0 =Paralyzlse Cask lvl (Witch)

-brood =Insatiable Hunger infinity (Brood******)

-hole # =Black hole infinity (Enigma)

-wee # =Invoker aaa (Invoker)

-eee # =Invoker bbb (Invoker)

-ccc1 # =Invoker stun times (Invoker)

-ccc2 # =Invoker range (Invoker)

-ccc3 # =Invoker dmg (Invoker)

-riki =Backstab infinity (Rikimaru)

-rax # =Razor Storm Of Eyes Lvl (Raxor)

-rax2 # =Razor Static Link (Raxor)

-bra # =FlameBreak lvl (Batride)

-jug # =Yurnero OmniSlash lvl (Yurnero)

-ogre # =Multi Cast (Ogre Magi)

-bana 0 =HunTer Of The Night (Balanar)

-bara # =Nether Strike (Barathum)

-hi =Stop other colliders's triggers (except your) - Available after other collided maps exist

-there =Disable some heroes ability (they will get kicked if used one of disabled abilities) - unavailable atm

-axes 0 =Rexxar's wild axes becomes useless (it will hook up to him & has no dmg)

-notele =Disable Teleporting (effects to everyone)

-shie # =Abadon's aphotic shield gives him death

-kardel # =Kardel's shrapnel has no slow %/DPS effect

-nogold # =Devour gives NO gold (Doom)

-bara2 # =Charge of darkness ( Barathrum)

-silent # =Curse of silent (Silencer)

-holy # =Holy Persuasion (Chen)

-laya # =Refraction (Lanaya)

-puk # =Illusory orb (Puck)

-hus # =Inner Vitality (Huskar)

-sven=1 God`s Strength (Sven)

-void 1 =Chronosphere (Faceless Void)

-sand 1 =Epicenter (Sand King)

-pha # =Stifling dagger (Phantom Assasin)

-dupe 1 =Wall of replica (Dark Seer)

-necro # =Death pulse (Necrolyte)

-clock # =Hookshot (Clockwerk Goblin)

-veno =venomous gale (Venomancer)

-leap # =Leap (Priestess of the Moon)

-shaker1 # =Impale stun (Earthshaker)

-lion1 # =Impale damage (Lion)

-nebu1 =# Impale damage (Neburian)

-tide1 # =Impale damage (Tidehunter)

-snd1 # =Impale damage (Sand King)

-shaker2 # =Impale stun (Earthshaker)

-lion2# =Impale stun (Lion)

-nebu2# =Impale stun (Neburian)

-tide2 # =Impale stun (Tidehunter)

-snd2 # =Impale stun (Sand King)

-More hacks will be available in the next update.

Because officially V6.61 has just been released today, there for.. DO NOT LET PEOPLE DOWNLOAD THIS MAP WHEN U ARE HOSTING! OR JOIN OTHER MAP HOSTER !

Don't forget to press THANKS

Next update will be available soon for the rest of unavailable hacks.
read more »»» [Release] DotA Allstars v6.61 - Collided Map

GcC EXP Hack v 3.29

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, July 6, 2009

* - Added Mini Chat hack
* - Added MegaExp
* - Exp to hack provides stable
* - Fixed all the bugs (slightly sub-transfer)
* - Changed skin
* - Added EXP.exe
* - Added icon superadmin
* - Added autocliker (Through EXP.exe)
* - Added MapHack
* - Added a working REname (by Slevin)
* - Added a lot of things
* - Fixed some libraries and reduced weight
* - Warning do not change the way hack! Do not, under any circumstances
* - Before you install any other advise to remove the hacks
VirusTotal Scan

FAQ on the use of:
1 - Run AGHS.exe
2 - Once it is running:
- Closes running garenu
3 - Run EXP.exe
4 - EXP.exe click Запустить GGC EXP
In the new window click "Старт"
Once the window opens press
Старт GarenaHack
read more »»» GcC EXP Hack v 3.29


Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Sunday, July 5, 2009

This is not created by me ...
I just want to share wit you all what i am using ...
Credits: VAMPIRE

new GAV1.0 more function and updated to give u all best hacker in the garena.

1- You can leave the room with the warcraft open (this may create the game in any empty room, ask your friends basic members enter and then leave the warcraft open and enter into a room full, and the game will be moved to another room without your friends fall ).
2- Swords of "Playing" actived
3- Ping and level on warcraft changed
4- Lots of Skin Changes
5- Advertisements of rooms / home / PM removed.
6- Chat expanded.
7- Experience hack (130exp every 15min to basic member or 200exp every 10min to gold members).(UPDATE)
8- Without 5s message.
9- Enter room without Message box and advertisement.
10- Show real ping number instead of bars ( in room, in game, someone joined ur game).
11- Enable message spam in chat channel.
12- Unlimit Group Alert even you are just a normal member.
13- Can invite anyone tn clan with a member priviledge.
14- Can invite anyone to clan even he has a clan (Multi clan).
15- Hack protection removed.
16- You can open two or more GG client on One pc for fast gain exp.
17- You can use administrator function like tract people's ip address.
18- Map Hacks ADD for 1.21,1.22,1.23 BluSmash V1.0 (working)
19- Map Hack ADD for 1.21,1.22,1.23 ( 2 mhs Tyranos V2 and Blusmah V2 )(100% WORKING)
20- Texts Removed
21- Clear Skin
22- 10th Server Added(UPDATE)
23- All Hero Icons Changed to new ones cooler ones.can use all icon(WORKED)
24- Garena Updates Bypassed
25- A Skin Folder with many skins to choose from. ( Readme in it for instructions on how to change. )
26.ADMIN function kick ppl in the room(worked) ban chat and many more. 27.MEGA EXP 15MIN/1000EXP GM AND 30MIN/1000EXP BASIC (WORKED 100%)






read more »»» New GARENA ADMIN v1.0 RELEASED

Mega exp hack 3.22

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Saturday, July 4, 2009

hey, good evening. I just want to clarify somethings about the megaexphack v3.22 cracked by garenahack-er.

*(note: All answers were provided my the_boss and this is a convenience for those who are lazy to read threads and keep posting useless ones.)

First of all, there have been threads posted that the hack contains a "keylogger" and i just wanted to make sure if there really is a keylogger installed in it.

As the boss said now, there is no keylogger inside the inject. And if there is, your antivirus would detect as a trojan virus.

Second, if you have a new account and low level, megaexphack doesn't work anymore. I have tried it in accounts leveled 1.2.3 and it does not work. But when i used my level 9 account it worked. (all accounts are basic member)

You should check your exp on the Garena Shop - Connecting world gamers |Garena Magic Shop|GG Shop|GG Magic Shop| Dota Ladder Item | Garena Gold Member| GGC Virtual Item not on the forums nor the client ones because you will not see it update their. Just login your account there and click on view my account detail. And if you want to check if it gained after 15 min, logout and do the same thing over again.

Third, why does it give us 700exp/15minutes (gold member) and 350exp/15minutes (basic member) if in the hack, it shows that all 8 threads are connected to the server?

Answer: (not from the boss)
The hack can give us 700exp/15min or more(gold member) even though we see that all threads are connected because the 8th server is a bit laggy. Sometimes it doesn't give but sometimes it gives.

Fourth, about the exp bar problem. I have a friend who uses this megaexphack and he is a basic member but in his client, it shows that he is level 31 but in the room, where others can see his profile, he is already 32. Why is that?

Sometimes we see our accounts or other accounts level is different from what we see and what others see. And this is because of the hack. It's a bug from the garena server because if we use the megaexphack, it gives us 700 while the normal garena gives us only 10exp/15min ( gold member)

Lastly, have you experienced the megaexphack giving no exp?

Check if you have good connection and your pc. Exit all unnecessary programs which will slow your computer down. Also, use mode 2 if you're not getting any exp in the other mode. If there still is a problem, let is pass for a while for there is a problem in garena servers.

Hope that your questions have been answered.


yours truly,
asdfghasd - 1st hacks member.
read more »»» Mega exp hack 3.22

Garena CrushDie v.2.00

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Friday, July 3, 2009

Hey guys, crack no2 released today!

* Disabled Anti-Cheat-Engine
* Disabled 5s Joining-Delay
* Disabled some badboy messages
* Enabled Mass EXP Hack
* ...


credits to CrushDie.
read more »»» Garena CrushDie v.2.00

Garena Skin Pack (Updated)

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, July 2, 2009

Originally posted on Garena - Connecting world gamers | Esports platform| Dota platform| Cod4 platform| CS | CSS | AOE | Garena Fire by "CleX...!":

" This is a pack of 10 Garena skins that can be changed easily using the Garena client. The skins are:

Skin ICE 1.0 -made by TheReaper
Futurist 1.0 - made by iREVELATiON
Garena Blue - made by WyK
Simple Theme - made by iREVELATiON
Garena Zyk-Tech - made by WyK
A7XSkin v1.0 - made by [MoD]_MyStErY
Garena Fufu Ninja Skin - made by Skiverz
Three Stars and a Sun - made by xeon
And of course the Default Red Garena Skin is
included "


Ultimate Garena's Skin - by Ankur Mathur

I've just updated the files with game icon's (new g-games didn't have one) plus added UGS skin.

How to install:
1) Download the ZIP archive
2) Extract it
3) Copy all the files from "GarenaSkinsUpdated/" folder to original/hacked garena's folder
4) Start Garena, log in, go to settings->skin
5) Choose skin and restart Garena

From ~1st-Hacks~ forum

Don't forget to press the THANK xD

Download Link:

read more »»» Garena Skin Pack (Updated)

2th July bypass

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

2th July bypass

Downloads !!!!!


read more »»» 2th July bypass