DotA 6.72 Is Already Under Development

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Thursday, February 17, 2011

Great news guys, Icefrog confirmed that DotA 6.72 is already under development and he wants us to share what we hope to see in DotA 6.72 or in any upcoming versions of DotA which I think will be also applied to DotA 2.

DotA 6.72 Map Download
Icefrog's statement:
6.72 development is going well. I'd like to know what you guys hope to see in it or other upcoming versions. You can share your thoughts by commenting through the blog or sending me an email.

DotA 6.72 Changelogs
Please go to DotA 6.72 Changelogs page. coming soon

DotA 6.72 Download Links
Please go to DotA 6.72 map download page.
read more »»» DotA 6.72 Is Already Under Development

DotA 6.72 Map Download, Latest Version, and Updates

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA 6.72 Map Download - This is the download page of Latest DotA 6.72 Map. You can find here all the latest version, download, news and updates about DotA 6.72.

DotA 6.72 Map Download
DotA 6.72 Updates
February 17, 2011 - Icefrog wants us to share what we hope to see in DotA 6.72. Read DotA 6.72 Is Already Under Development.

April 28, 2011 - DotA 6.72 was released! See Download Links below!

DotA 6.72 Changelogs
Please go to DotA 6.72 Changelogs page.

DotA 6.72 Download Links
DotA 6.72c
DotA v6.72c.w3x mirror 1
DotA v6.72c.w3x mirror 2

DotA 6.72b
DotAv6.72b.w3x mirror 1
DotAv6.72b.w3x mirror 2

DotA 6.72
DotA mirror 1
DotA mirror 2
read more »»» DotA 6.72 Map Download, Latest Version, and Updates

DotA Guide to Clickability

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA Guide to Clickability - Here is a very helpful guide on effective clicking of DotA heroes brought to us by Infrisios.


The battle between Sven and Gondar lasts for minutes already, always Gondar appears somewhere out of the windwalk, attacks once, twice, and disappears again!

After some time Sven decides that it is enough: using his chicken, he gets dust of appearance!

Again Gondar attacks, but now Sven is prepared: move away from the creeps, activate dust, a-click! Until Bounty Hunter actually recognised what happened, he is low enough to be finished by a single storm bolt, but too far away to be taken down by a hit. Clever Sven has, of course, saved his storm bolt...and now that happens:

In this small guide, I want to give you a deeper understanding of the mechanics behind clicking.

Where you can click

Basically, models in WC3 consist of both visible and invisible parts.

The most important (mostly) visible parts are the geosets, they are basically the forms of the model. Depending on the setting of the geosets and the skin, they can be invisible or partially invisible as well.

No need for further details, what we need to know here is: can you click the geoset?

Well, the answer is yes for most, but no for very few others.

As a rule-of-the-thumb you can click all "substantial" parts of a model while insubstantial parts, like the hero glow, can not be clicked (there are exceptions, though).

As an example model, I use the paladin: A totally common model with a common clickability and hero glow.

In the following picture, you can see the cursor being clearly on the hero glow, but technically not pointing on the hero.

It also shows the geosets that are clickable (marked with red nodes) and unclickable (hero glow, marked with green nodes - the transparence is part of the texture, the polygons count for clicking):

You can assume that you can click any model if you hit the body!

But why are some heroes easier to click than others?

That's because they have so-called "collision shapes": Spheres helping you to click a model, if you do not click the body, but click a sphere, it is a hit!

Note that collision shapes have NOTHING to do with ingame collision, though.

Here is an example on collision shapes:

You can clearly see the blue spheres around the Paladin, and even though the cursor is not on the Paladin's body, you can click him!

Heroes that are difficult to click

With the spheres, we also have the problem with certain heroes.

The most problematic heroes are undeniably Bounty Hunter and Rooftrellen.

Let's take a look at the easier model...


Treason! Only a single sphere! If you click him between the arms and the body, you won't hit him! So if you want to hit him, click on the feet which have a sphere. His large Torso can't be clicked, the reason for that is the fact that his model is usually used by towers and you should, of course, be able to click units behind towers.

But Treant is a tiny problem compared to the (old) nemesis of the cursor:

The Bounty Hunter!

Why is was this damned model so difficult to click? Well, take a look at his collision shapes:


Gondar doesn't have any. Whether he developed some uber ninja technique to remove them or whether blizzard was just lazy, we'll never know.
You MUST hit a substantial body part if you want to click him!

As an additional problem, Gondar always runs around like a madman and people click at him like madmen because he might be invis any time, so they do not focus on precision.

The new model has two full collision spheres that equal Dark Seer's spheres by 100%.

By the way, Gondar is the ONLY draenei who had this problem. If someone tells you he can't hit Dark Seer because he uses a model like Gondar's it is a bad excuse.

However, Venomancer still got this problem.

Bane Elemental

Another model people often whine about is Bane Elemental, but the problem is different here:

Collision shapes are objects with a static position, they do not move with the animations of a model - so the model can move out of it's sphere, and even though you have an even larger area to click, the body itself is more difficult to click:

When Bane Elemental attacks, he completely leaves his sphere, leaving him difficult to click. When he channels, his arms leave his sphere - so take care to hit his body, and not, like many people, try to hit him between the arms or something.

Due to his grotesque body, parts of him area always out of the shapes.

By the way: Collision shapes do not have to be spheres, they can be boxes as well:

So let's summarize it
-You can click the body of any unit, but some parts might make an exception
-If you don't hit the body, collision shapes help you in many cases
-but some heroes have problematic collision shapes!

Other Heroes

Other heroes are problematic as well.

Even though people don't complain about him as much as about Bounty Hunter, Venomancer has no collision shapes as well.

Some people claim that since Bounty Hunter is hard to click, Dark Seer must be hard to click as well. That is NOT true, Dark Seer got totally fine collision shapes - seems to be some psychological thingy.

and what can('t) be done against it

Well, the Gondar problem has been solved, after all.

My suggestion to solve other problems is:

take some time! It does not have to be much, for concentrating on a single action you only need a split-second. Instead of clicking a thousand times, wait a bit and hit a single, but working, click - comparable to the difference between barrage and a sniper's shot. Like with a headshot, the information from this guide may help you to know where you can click best ;-)

I "heard rumours" that external solutions exist, but I strongly disapprove the use of these since they give you an unfair advantage.
read more »»» DotA Guide to Clickability

DotA Fever Videos

Posted by bL4cK_m0p

DotA Fever 3, DotA Fever 2, and DotA Fever 1 - Here is a collection of DotA Fever brought to us by HELiCaL. This collection consists of DotA Fever 3, DotA Fever 2, and DotA Fever 1. If you are a DotA gamer then yo better watch this. Or you may download a copy in either mp4 or wmv formats. DotA Fever is known for it's good editing and great combination of musical scores and sound effects.

DotA Fever 3

DotA Fever 3 MP4 Download Link

DotA Fever 3 WMV Download Link 1 GB

Receptor - Jasmine
Alan Silvestri - Billy
Receptor - Pan-Terra (ft. VitosMC; Jhonny JPR)
Trihorn productions - Death car (ft. 1shot)
Deprogrammed - Passion

DotA Fever 2

DotA Fever 2 WMV Download Link 1 GB

DotA Fever 2 MP4 Download Link

DotA Fever 1

DotA Fever 1 WMV Download Link
read more »»» DotA Fever Videos

Garena Universal MapHack 11 - GUMH 11 for Warcraft 1.24e Patch

Posted by bL4cK_m0p on Monday, February 14, 2011

Garena Universal MapHack 11 - GUMH 11 for Warcraft 1.24e Patch - This is the updated version of GUMH to support the new warcraft patch v1.24e. The GUMH v11 supports the following:

* warcraft 1.24e patch

Garena Universal MapHack 11 - GUMH 11 with support for Blizzard 1.24e Patch

This works ONLY with Garena. Use original Garena and avoid using it with other Garena cracks (like protection removers, dll unloaders, cracked versions etc) or it will get detected.

If you want to be the first to receive an update about Garena Universal MapHack, then enter your email here.

You may subscribe to our RSS or follow us on TWITTER and FACEBOOK to get the latest updates and downloads of Garena Universal MapHack.

Update: Garena Universal MapHack 13 for Warcraft 1.26a is now available for download.

Update: Garena Universal MapHack 12 for Warcraft 1.25b is now available for download.

Garena Universal MapHack Version 11 update:
- Reworked how GUMH starts and loads - to fix the error when gumh wasn't loading
- GUMH is now compatible with ! - you can play on bnet afer using GUMH on Garena. (but still GUMH is not for battlenet - you cannot play with gumh on battlenet)
- Added a button to restore your W3 patch - if it gets damaged
- various bug fixes

If you got W3 loading error please UN-CHECK SOME BOXES!

How to install Garena Universal Maphack 11 - GUMH 11 for Warcraft 1.24e
- First you must download Garena Universal Maphack 11 for Warcraft 1.24e.
- Extract content into any folder then double click "Garena Universal MH.exe"
- Set Warcraft 3 Path by clicking 'Change Path' button.
- Click "Start Garena Universal Maphack" button
- Execute Warcraft 3 using Garena client.

Download Garena Universal MapHack 11 - GUMH 11
Garena Universal MapHack v11 for Warcraft 1.24e mirror 1
Garena Universal MapHack v11 for Warcraft 1.24e mirror 2

Please visit Garena Universal MapHack Download to see all available versions.
keywords: garena universal maphack, gumh, maphack, maphack for 1.24e, gumh 1.24e, garena 1.24e maphack
read more »»» Garena Universal MapHack 11 - GUMH 11 for Warcraft 1.24e Patch